Chapter 15: game

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That night, Jibai posted a Weibo with the content:

"My beloved cello has been lost and recovered. I am very happy. My sister is very enthusiastic to help me find the thief. Thank you sister."

This Weibo was accidentally reposted by Ji Feifei.

This is the first time Ji Feifei publicly reposted Jibai's Weibo. Jibai knew that she thought this Weibo helped her pinch the personality of the gentle eldest sister, so she reposted it.

Rather than deliberately avoiding talking about sisters on Weibo, fans are more willing to see the content of sisters getting along well.

Ji Bai had already expected it.

She simply showed off a wave of sisterly love with her sister on Weibo, helping her to make a complete set of characters.

Anyway... People are used to collapse in the end.

The benefit of this incident for Jibai is that her number of fans has been increasing, and now there are more than 100,000, and even a housekeeper's assistant found her and said that she would help her register for certification.

The certified name is the sister of the inspirational goddess Ji Fei.

Jibai refused this certification.

Her identity is herself, no need to add anyone's attributive as a prefix.

Unexpectedly, Ji Bai said that before the official performance, Ji Fifei was still shy and spoke to her.

After the family had eaten with Le Rongrong, Ji Feifei pretended to inadvertently said to Jibai: "Sister, since we have all been selected for the city's performance, this is really a thing worthy of joy and celebration. "

Jibai said "Uh", without changing his voice.

Ji Feifei looked at his parents and said, "Sister, I heard that the contestants in this performance are from the top high schools in our city. They are very good. Many of them are from the art school."

"and so?"

"So, I think our sisters should still join forces, but they can't be compared."

Jibai slowly put down his chopsticks and looked at Ji Feifei blankly: "When I lost the piano, it was my sister who said in person that she will not cooperate with me in this competition. If you want to participate alone, why do you change your mind now? ?"

Ji Fei smiled wryly: "At the time, I thought your piano would not be usable anymore. There is nothing to do. I can't because you can't participate in the competition, so I will accompany you not to participate in the competition. For this competition, I practice. It's been a long time, Mom and Dad, you guys talk too."

The parents were suddenly cueed and put down the dishes. Tao Jiazhi instinctively chose to help Ji Feifei speak: "In vain, it was really an accident to lose the qin at the time. There is no way for my sister. You have to understand your sister."

Ji Mingzhi also said: "Yeah, for nothing, you should be sensible, too. My sister is not in good health. You have to give her more."

This set of rhetoric, from childhood to great solitude, ears have become cocooned.

She is in poor health, so everything in the family is close to her. The care and love of her parents belongs to her alone. Of course, she enjoys the most advantageous resources in this family and monopolizes the love of her parents. Of course, she becomes the brightest The one. Even if she leaves this family, she belongs to a vulnerable group and should be sympathized and taken care of.

But looking at her proud look, there is no such thing as a vulnerable group.

"Sister wants me to accompany you again?"

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