chapter 21:hephaestus vs karna and the presi-king

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(A/n:Punches through randomly dug grave. "Yes I am alive..I've been busy with school also I couldn't well think of what to write for this chapter till today...sorry. I'll release another late this week." )
3rd pov

The group from chaldea had been traveling for a couple minutes as they encountered blavatsky a pink haired servant who told them more about the king of this era then she started to attack them along with the robots

The group looked at the defeated blavatsky, and the destroyed mechanized infantry, as she grinned thinking she had the upperhand.

Blavatsky:"it ends here masters of chaldea.." she looked back "karna! Come finish them off!" An attack flew at them, but it was stopped by hephaestus who let out an annoyed sigh "eh? You stopped it." She looked at hephaestus.

Hephaestus:"i wanna get this little adventure over with...I've got some kids back in my timeline that I'm taking care of..and the other caretaker is probably not holding up to well." He slammed his fist into karnas gut sending  and hitting the demigod with an uppercut, sending the Indian hero flying away. 'I hope ok.' He dodged to the left and sent a kick hitting karna in the chin.

Jumping back hephaestus let out a sigh, as he disappeared in a blink of an eye, as karna let out a cough of suprise, as he looked down to see hephaestus fist buried in his gut, karna fell down having been defeated within a couple of seconds. Hephaestus carried him back and looked down at blavatsky.

Hephaestus:"take us to your king..I'm done playing around." Blavatsky nodded, as she got up and quickly led the group. 'I think I should give old man chiron a break...yeah he needs one.'

Meanwhile with chiron back home:

Chiron looked beyond exhausted, as he had to calm down almost all the demigods, and gods about hephaestus whereabouts let's just say uh...hephaestus really is a parental figure in camp back to the story.


Hephaestus looked at the lion? He blinked a couple times, as he stared at the heroic spirit in front of him several thoughts running through his so he said what was coming from his mind

Hephaestus:"what the fuck is that a fucking lion. master! There's this weird looking thing looks like the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz." Ritsuka held back his laughter, as he held his stomach slowly falling to the ground. His sister was full on laughing, as she was currently gasping for air.

Edison:" matter I am Thomas alva edison...the presi-king" hephaestus laughed.

Hephaestus:"presi-king..who the hell calls themselves that and the way you speak" without warning Edison was back handed into a wall. "You should watch your tone...there's one thing I hate..arrogant bastards." He had walked over to Edison and looked down at him. "The names hephaestus..greek god of the forge..."

Hephaestus:"I'll be honest with you..I have a feeling you'll say how you'll remake America into something new and you'll let the other eras die..that's no good." A portal opened beside him, as he pulled out a sword letting it touch against Edison fur. "Work with us to get rid of the singularity making sure we'll fix everything..or die by my sword. I don't care what you choose." Edison agreed to work with them, he also told hephaestus the whereabouts of the enemy, along with the resistance

Hephaestus put away his sword, as he walked back to the others.  The god of the forge was tired..he wanted to go home call him selfish, but he wished to see the demigod brats he's taken care of for so long. He told Edison to free the civilians being held hostage.

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