chapter 22:hephaestus is done playing games.

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3rd pov:
Hephaestus let out a yawn, as he looked down at the slowly disappearing corpses of the enemies. He picked up Fergus sword, as he looked at the disappearing corpses of the saber servant that dared to fight against him.

He let out a laugh, as he crushed the sword under his foot. He jumped away and continued on his hunt against the enemy. From what he had heard the eastern side of America had fallen, now all that was left was the west that was being controlled by Edison and the resistance group. He was tired and it seems his exhaustion had finally reached him.

Hephaestus:"you know what...FUCK CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, FUCK THE PLOT, AND FUCK THIS SINGULARITY." His voice could be heard through the forest..and maybe the entirety of the singularity. Hephaestus stomped the ground and blasted off heading towards the main base of the enemy.

With the chaldea group

They had been traveling for quite awhile the group was tired, but they were ready to fight incase they needed to. They had stopped and made a campsite.

As the group was about to eat they heard something it sounded like hephaestus yelling.

Ritsuka:"w-was that hephaestus...I've never heard him get this angry..before, also character development, plot the hell did he mean by that?" The group started to wonder.

With cu chulainn alter and medb

Cu alter:"strange that loud voice. i wondered what it meant?" Medb tried to get closer to cu but he picked her up and threw her away from him. "we might need a new ally in this fight..medb summon another servant to our aid."

Medb nodded, as she summoned their ally, as it revealed to be a man wearing a white coat carrying a bow. It revealed to be arjuna.

Cu alter:" then let us begin to make our pla-" he stopped, as he suddenly felt a divine energy speeding towards his location. "It seems the one who was yelling earlier will soon arrive." He readied his spear, as the top half of the castle was blown away from an attack that had hit it.

Hephaestus:".....I'm going to wreck your shit." He slammed into the ground, as he charged towards cu who tried to dodge, but was slammed into a wall. arjuna tried to attack emphasis on tried, as hephaestus appeared in front of him and punched the demigod in the stomach causing arjuna to gain a hole in the stomach and to be sent flying away.

Hephaestus:"I'm tired..I really am...of you mortals." He dodged an attack from Cu who had tried to use a powerful attack. "Your kind..has killed each other time and time again..." he grabbed cu by the neck, and tore off the arm that wielded the spear Gae bolg. "So just do me and favor...and die" he crushed cu chulainn head with his hands.

Hephaestus looked at medb who backed away fear in her eyes. Hephaestus was a kind hearted god, but today he will no longer show his kindness...after all these damned evil servants hurt the children he had in the past.

Hephaestus summoned his weapon and hit medb in the side of her body sending the queen flying into the wall, as her body was mangled beyond repair, but she smiled at him before disappearing confusing the god.

He felt it demonic energy spikes that was outside of the castle, as he looked and noticed 28..demon god pillars. He looked at them and he let out an annoyed sigh.

Hephaestus:"I'm done playing..around ." a hammer appeared in his hand, as it had a beautiful design. It was a blacksmith hammer. He flew straight towards the demon gods.

Back with the chaldea group

Romani:"ritsuka there seems to be twenty eight demon god pillars nearby, so be careful." Ritsuka and the rest looked around until they felt the ground shake, as the group saw the demon god pillars close by. They got ready to fight but stopped.

Romani:"wait..hephaestus he's closing in on the demon god pillars right now." Just as he said that a giant hammer appeared to be set in a swinging motion, as the one carrying it was none other than hephaestus. "Is...this hephaestus noble phantasm?"

Hephaestus swung the hammer down on the enemy, as it hit and a massive Shockwave was produced, uprooting several trees, and sending them all flying back.

Hephaestus:"..I'm to old for this bullshit." His hammer disappeared, as he looked at the holy grail in his hand.

Scene change

The group had arrived back in chaldea, as the heroic spirit and staff welcomed them back. Hephaestus walked away back to his room as soon as their feet touched the metal corridor.

Hephaestus let put a tired sigh, as he looked at a picture of camp half-blood. He wasn't gonna hold back anymore, he'll also make sure to save any servants that would help chaldeas group.

He looked at the tools near his forge, as he picked them up and started to work on them. He would make a weapon that could destroy the weapons that are said to kill enemies with one attack, a weapon that could deny a direct attack from ea.

Chapter 23:camelot and hephaestus annihilate his enemies.

Omake: originals memorie found 3 out of ???

A skeleton wearing a blue jacket could be seen fighting a child wearing blue clothes with stripes, as the skeleton dodged its attacks. It slowly grew more tired.

The skeleton fell asleep, as the child prepared to attack them when suddenly their knife and arm was sliced off by a black haired boy with heterochromic eyes. The boy cut down the child, as he quickly  grabbed the brown haired child soul and threw it at the skeleton who caught it. Both gave the other a thumbs up, as the boy watched the skeleton click a button that said reset.

Omake ended

Omake ended

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