No more breathing

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You sit at your vanity looking at yourself. You examine your face. Nothing he left. No mark. That's good. You get up and view your self one more time before leaving your bedroom. You were wearing a black, slightly puffed dress that stop right above your ankles, as for your heeled booties, black leather. Silk corset matches your dress, and a paired chain laced infront. Slight cleavage and off the shoulders. Long sleeved silk. Lipped with lace at your wrists. You bite your lips to give blood back, giving it a pink glow. Pitch your nose for a rose look. More life to you.

You walk with a beat and sway, twist and turn, right towards Ciel would be. In his study. You turn a corner of Ciels office not noticing Sebastian and the servants were being confronted of their mistakes of the day, you look up just right you were about to pass Sebastian from behind, without skipping a beat, you graze his back making sure he felt it, you continue to walk with to your imaginary beat, you felt he was looking, and you look to the side and flip your hair. You knew he loved this hair. He wouldn't have touched it that way if he didn't. You smirk, and and look back to where you were heading , you reached for Ciels door and slip in without knocking. Not making a peep. Ciel haven't noticed but you walk closer to him.

"Ciel..." you startled him, he shot his head up from his papers, before he can even greet you, you continued "may I speak with you.." you pulled a chair behind him and spinning him around in his facing you. You're now hidden from sight from the door. Ciel seems bothered by your actions but concerned about what you have to say. He stayed seated and let you do what you did. He fixed himself in his chair "yes Y/N" he leans to the side, placing his elbow on the arm rest, hand to the chin and crossing one leg over the knee.

You sit, taking a breath, and folding your hands on your lap.

"Does Sebastian... " he stops you, moving his arm from chin to now lay on the arm rest.
"Yes." He says comfortably yet confidently
"Why? " you lean forward, gripping your hands tighter
He looks down, swallows and looks back at you.. worried you might not like what he says
"He's told me you know he's a demon." He continues looking above you out the window into the sky.
"He has a taste, and you meet it. Not all demons find their one and only. Forever. He met a lot of women, a lot of those just want.. you know. And some are just afraid. They die. And some just don't even look his way." He looks back at you. "I give him 100% trust and responsibility for his actions but I also ordered him to give the same energy back to you. So for whatever Encounter you have or had with him, you must understand, he just followed your energy."
You realized that's why he grabbed your face how he did. You grabbed his coat the same way.
You look down and sigh, understanding his words.
"He also.. if you desire.. turn into a demon if you mate with him" you shot up out your seat in shock.
"Only! If you want." Reassuring you and for you to sit back down. You do so. He continues.
"That's only if you desire him back that is. He won't touch you. If you don't want it. He won't do the forbidden if you don't want it. Anything at all. Or all of it. Your call. I ordered him to listen to you. Understand you. Now if you want me to cancel this, you may say so. If you want to leave. You may." He says with a lowered voice. "He will match your energy."
You release your tight grip, comfortable with what he said.. you agree by nodding yes, bitting your lower lip and looking away unsure of your next moves and words.
"I was also informed he wanted to talk with you after dinner" he interrupted your thoughts
"Yes.. does he really want to just talk?" You whisper looking down, twiddling your shoes against eachother
"Yes. He would like to know you. And confess his love for you."
This reassures you.
"But you have to remember, whatever you do, he will follow. So if these mating does happen, and if this talk deepens to much more.. you brought it upon yourself"
But this doesn't take away the fact something will happen for sure now. Will it?

"And this demon thing..?" weakly pointing at your self
"Yes, ONLY if you want him back as he wants you, only time would decide that." He says nodding once.

Before you could even say anything back, someone knocks on his door. Both of you stay still, Ciel knew to hide you. Your gazes meet and stays put. Yourself crouching in your seat. Hands folding covering your mouth. The door opens.
"Master, lunch is ready, today it's in the garden."
Sebastian says, sounds like he's by the door.
"Ah yes, have you taken care of the portrait in the hall?" Nodding at you, giving you time to escape from his office. Sebastian doesn't leave for your opportunity. You remove one of your hands from your mouth, to your chest. Your heart was beating rapidly. Not knowing what is to say next.

"Sebastian? Question." He nods at you and winks. He mouths to you "listen"
"Yes my lord" he doesn't seem to have moved.
"As for Y/N.. do you really want her as your wife?" He smirks at you and you raise your eyebrows, jaw dropping behind your hand. You wave at him to stop. But Sebastian speaks making you stop putting your hand back to your chest.

"Yes my lord." He says proudly and loud as if he knew you were here.
"Now, what do you really want from her? And what if she doesn't want you back."
"Master, we already talked about this." He sounds irritated
"Yes yes. But i was just thinking. And I'd like to reassured of your actions in my manor" he says scrunching his eyebrows and mouthing to you "Shh" putting a finger to his lips. Making you put your hand return to your now closed mouth.

"Y/N .. since that day, has brought me joy. A joy I have been longing. Craving.-" Ciel then grabs your attention and gestures "On and On" with his hand, making you smile as you listen to Sebastian brag about you. You take your hands off your mouth to reveal your gentle smile.
"Now then Sebastian, have you set the table cloth to Y/N favorite color? As you do know, the more attention you bring to her likings, she might just fall for you too" Ciel looks away from you and smiles out the window.
"I don't know her favorite color." As Sebastian says this, Ciel shoots his head back to you, you mouth "Black".
"Black" Ciel says after reading your lips.
"And you know this? How?" Sebastian questioned
Ciel struggles to answer
You point to your dress
"You can't use your eyes? She wears that color all the time" he takes a light breath and clenches his jaw for the save, you take a silent breath of relief.
"The cloth now, Sebastian. I'll fetch Y/N"
You grab Ciels hand in gratitude.
He holds your hand back.
"Yes my lord." The door closes and you hear footsteps down the hall not moving till he disappeared from your ears.

"I told you." Ciel gives a small smile.
You smile back at him. "Thank you"

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