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"Have this happened before?" You spoke up
"Yes unfortunately, he's a magnet for trouble" giving an upside down grin.
"I see" you giggled, seeing MayRin run up the entrance stairs
"Sebastian! Addressed to you!" She shouted running
"I?" He questioned
"A letter for you! Yea it is!" She panted
Sebastian opened it right there, you peeped over his arm to read it As well.
It read

"Bring me Y/N and I'll give back your beloved Master and his Wife"

The letter it self was signed off with a spider crawling out of it.

"Ew" you whispered backing away
May-Rin gasped at the sight
"It's Claude alright" you said disappointed "why me?"
"He still haven't ordered us" he said killing the spider and placing the letter inside his tailcoat.
"Thank you May-Rin, you and the others guard the manor while we're gone, will you?"
"Yes!" She said cheerfully running off to the others
"We shall prepare" he said "come now"
You followed him to deep end of the Basement, and brought out a trunk that sounded heavy as it hit the floor.
"Oh wow" you whispered
Sebastian ripped off the lock, opening the trunk, exposing weaponry, he handed you a chain whip.
"Wow.. for me?" You gasped as you grabbed the whip
"Master ordered these to be made, for things like this.. it's equipped for extreme use" he replied, giving you two katanas, you were confused and reached for the katanas in your palm and nothing came out, looking back at the katanas.
"How.. did you get them?" You asked grabbing them and inspecting them
"I have my ways, they have a new no slip wrap and shorter handles, while the blade is longer for reach"
Sebastian stood up, placing an immense amount of cutlery in his tail coat. He bent over once more before closing it. He gave you a leather harness for the whip. You put on the harness under your tail coat, Sebastian helping tie the whip to your back and put on your coat.
"Now we wait." He said leaving
"Right" you followed him to the entrance of the manor. Walking down the almost dirt covered gravel driveway, Ciels voice came to both your minds.

"This is foolish, Sebastian, Y/N come get me now"
Sebastian smirking "let's go" he said before vanishing infront of you, you followed him to an abandoned massive manor in the middle of the forest. Place was filled with spiders and spider webs.
Walking into manor, empty.
Walked to the attic, nothing.
Bedrooms.. nope.
Study? Quite
"Basement.. as always" you whispered
"No.. there's a hidden room" he said back, pressing on the books in a study.
"A hidden what?"
Sebastian pressing down a book hearing a click and the bookshelf leaned forward opening a door.
"What the fuck?" You whispered
"Right over here" Sebastian opened the door and entered, you followed behind
At the end of the spider webbed covered hall, a dimmed light room revealed Ciel and Aoi tied up to a chair. Aoi seemed to be knocked out and Ciel upset and annoyed.
You and Sebastian walk in beside eachother confidently.
Claude beside Ciel, and Those three demons beside an unconscious Aoi.
You thought "they aren't dead?" You looked over to Sebastian, him glaring at Claude. Maybe demons can respon.. your katanas aren't demon killing, but Hannah died and hasn't reappeared, she died from your own hands after all.

"I have her.. " Sebastian spoke and his voice echoed in the room
You opened your hands and winked at him
Ciel rolled his eyes at this.
"Very well" Claude replied "you can take them, hand over the girl"
"Girl?" You muttered
"Under one condition.." Sebastian said raising a hand, holding one finger out.
"And that is?" Claude grew impatient
"What exactly do you plan to do with her?" Sebastian then putting his hand down onto your shoulder
"Oh nothing really" he smiled menacingly
You unintentionally put on a disgusted face at Claude. Him not liking this, dropping his fanged smile. He raised his hand over his sight and lifted his glasses, before pulling away, Sebastian vanished behind him, placing his band on Claude neck, the other hand reaching into his coat. Taking out four pieces of knifes and tossing them on the floor.
"Four? For each? How kind of you" Sebastian gripping tighter onto his neck, you had the urge to make a move.
You used demon speed, grabbed your whip, cracked the whip at the three demons and slicing all three heads off like bitter, cracking it back to Claude using the tip of the chain grabbing his glasses and throwing it back to you. You grabbed it out of the air, looking at them.
"How blind are you?" You giggled trying them on "oh wow, really blind" taking them off
"My spectacles" he said reaching out for them
"How mad would you be if I broke them?" You waved them into the air teasing
Claude grew anger, Sebastian holding him back
"Now Sebastian, end this!" Ciel shouted
"Yes my lord" he replied kicking the chair to you
You grabbed to the chair, setting Ciel free from his restraints, just as Ciel stood up, Sebastian grabs Claude and throws him into the wall breaking through it, leading to the outside. Sebastian then leaped behind him outside, leaving you and Ciel behind.
"Bring us home" he ordered
"Yes my lord" you picked them up, and leaped out the open hole, leaving Sebastian to fight Claude.
Bringing Ciel and Aoi back to the estate.
Placing them in bed.
"Go back" Ciel ordered
"With pleasure" you bowed and leaped out the window going back to assist Sebastian.
Arriving to Claude punching Sebastian multiple times, driving his head further into the ground indenting the dirt.
You jumped down towards Claude, straddling his back, using your whip to choke him. Claude pulled back for Sebastian, and started to claw at your face and hands for release. You pulled tighter.
"Oh no your not" pulling once more engulfing the whips chain around his neck burning him.
Sebastian then shooting up from the floor, onto his feet, walking towards Claude, Sebastian angered he grows in size, Sebastian starts to blur as black feathers start to fall around him. His figure transforms into a slim almost horrifying to look at. You couldn't look away, so to this was your husband. His fangs grew longer and wider and he grinned menacingly. His fingers grew longer with claws as black as night.. you tilted your head as you look at him moving your eyes down to his feet, heels?
"Leave my wife alone?" Sebastian's voice distorted, echoed with no room for echo. His eyes were as red as ever. Claude seemed to be not looking at your chain burned his skin. You released your grip on him, and sat back in Aw as Sebastian grabbed a panting Claude up in the air. Claude then looking at him, almost us phased at his appearance.
You also transformed into your true form, standing behind Claude, you seen him sweat from the heat you spew. Peeping over his shoulder having him lol at you. Fear in his eyes. Silence only filled the air. Tension grew.
Sebastian raised a claw and poked at Claude's head drawing blood to drip down his face. Sebastian moving his eyes to yours, you raised your claw to the point where Sebastian was on his head. Claude groaning in pain, then screaming as you both dragged your nails down his sides slicing his flesh, blood poured as you cut. Nothing but screams filled the air and blood hitting the ground creating a pool under him and on our feet.
After creating a perfect slice. You grabbed his back, and both of you pulled apart skinning Claude alive. The screams stopped and hearing a wet thump his the ground. Gurgling coming from what was left of Claude.
Sebastian stepping over his head for his to stop.
"How unfortunate, he didn't get the memo" Sebastian chuckled
"I suppose he didn' sad" you replied
You both transformed back into yourselves, revealing the blood soaked pants and shoes. Hand and face.
You and Sebastian both share a loving look in silence . Only birds chirping a wind in the trees.
"No one can hear us.." He whispered
You stepped over Claude's body, pressing your chest on Sebastian looking up at him.
Sebastian then grabs you, and tossing you through the manors wall breaking through it.

You slide onto the ground, opening your eyes to see yourself in an empty room.
You raised your head to see Sebastian entering him, taking off his gloves with his teeth, each step he takes off a piece of clothing. You sat up and take off your tailcoat throwing it to the side. Sebastian then standing over you, looking down lustfully.
"It's been a while" he whispered
"Yes it has" swallowing after you realized what will he do to you
Sebastian squats down and carefully removes your clothes and throws them aside. Sebastian slides down his pants revealing his erect manhood, and leans over you kissing you passionately. He rubs your womanhood making you moan into his mouth.
He pulls away, and prepares his entrance. He sucks on his fingers and rubs the tip of his manhood, teases your hole making you whimper. He slams into you, he thrusts with no remorse as to the floor indenting beneath you. You wrap your legs around him, grabbing his shirt and forcing him deeper into you. You both moan wildly, the manor echoed and rattled hearing things fall in the Distance. Suddenly Sebastian pulls out of you, flipping you over doggy style, and slamming back into you, he leans over grabbing your hair and pulling your head back.
"Fuck Y/N" he moaned pulling your head back further, he suddenly lifted a leg up and with his other hand grabbed your neck slightly choking you. Slamming into you harder into your spot. You can feel his breath and pant on your back. Placing his fear head on your shoulder. His strokes become shaky, slower and deeper.
"Shit.." he groaned
"I.. Sebastian.. I-" you stuttered as you became close
"Me.. too.." he spoke back broken
He lets go of you, jerking you around again, and slams back into you leaning over you cuffing your shoulders and thrusting more. You wrap your arms and legs around him, you bit into his shoulder making him gasp and moan. Grabbing some of his blood, and rub on your clit pleasuring you more.
He climaxes into you filling your womb. You climax seconds after him, both of your juices drip on the cracked floor breath you. Sebastian pulls away from you, hovering over you.
"I don't think you'll be able to walk correctly tomorrow.." he chuckled panting
"I can try atleast.." you smiled
Sebastian then sits back and slowly gets up
"We should go, Ciel is waiting" he says catching his breath
"I suppose" you both get dressed and head back to the manor

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