Eyes shifting

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Lunch was oddly silent.. uncomfortably quite.
You spoke with Sebastian through telepathy

"I feel like Elizabeth walked into something that'll give Ciel a very hard time to control"
"No, rumors.."
"I see.."
Aoi spoke up breaking the silence setting her utensils on the plate
"So I've been thinking.."
You, Sebastian, and even Ciel looked at her.. you had no idea who she was talking to.. now what she was going to say next..
"Since you're all demons, how does one become one exactly?" She leaned back into her chair, Ciel opened his mouth to answer when "actually no"
Ciel was stopped from speaking.
"I would like to figure it out myself.. I'm sure there other ways other than sex.."
you looked at Sebastian who then shrugged as if not caring to answer.. neither did you but that was for Aoi to find out.. why ruin the fun?

Ciel stood up and walked to a window close by viewing the garden. Appears to be thinking..
"You know Aoi.." he sighed
"Yes?" She replied sitting up fixing her dress
"I would personally do that for you.. if you so desire.."
you thought.. "did he forget we were here?"
You shot your head to face Sebastian again, he was stunned.
You looked at Aoi whom then looked at you.
You shook your head and pointed at the time, amd rolled your finger in a circle a couple times telling her "for another time" Aoi nodded and replied to Ciel
"Ciel.. maybe you should really think about it.." she stepped slowly to Ciel "after all.. there's no way to turn a demon back"
"You're right.." Ciel tapped on the window "anyways, clean this up.. it training... Aoi? Are you joking me to watch?"
"Oh yes"
They took they're stroll into the garden where the weapons and all were set for play.
You waited for them to leave completely before speaking to Sebastian

"Ciel must me out of his mind to take consideration turning Aoi Into a demon just after a day of meeting her..."
"Leave the poor boy be, he's in loooveee" you giggled
"Y/N this is serious"Sebastian looked up at you
"What? Sebastian, if he was that serious. You would know right?"
"I don't know.. but atleast tell me he'll take his time getting to know her before he fucks around and does something"
"Yes yes Sebastian, they're waiting it outtt" you smirked
After cleaning you joined Ciel and Aoi Into the garden, in the bench all the way at the end of the garden.
You and Sebastian ignored the weapons table, and went to the field and took your stances.
Sebastian took his cutlery out, hearing Aoi Audibly gasp, you took your Katana Out of your hand.
"Where the fuck that come from?" She whispered to Ciel
"Just watch" Ciel said

A brief moment passed when Sebastian spoke
"Hits or taps?"
"Taps, you don't want to scare the lady do you?"
"Yes my lord"
After him saying this, you lunged at Sebastian full force, disappearing right infront of him, reappearing behind and kisses his shoulder. Disappearing again and piping up just a few feet infront
He was stunned
"I tapped you, he didn't say what kind of tap I have to do" you laughed Sebastian smirked in response disappearing infront of you and smacking your ass, then whispering to you. "Nice ass"
"FUCK HIM UP Y/N" Aoi yelled
You smirked at this then kicking him back towards to the pair.
Aoi looks to be giggling, as Ciel side eyes her almost in awe from her laughs
Distracted by this, Sebastian manages a hit sneaking up forward and tackling you backwards on to the ground, you tussle trying to get away
"Don't you think Aoi is going to fall for Ciel?" Sebastian whispers trying to pin you down
"Oh maybe, but I doubt she'll reveal any time soon.."
You start kicking your feet from his strength as he gets on top of you straddling
"Relax kitten, accept defeat" he says chuckling
You gave it another try before almost giving up just laying there, arms above you pinned to the ground.
Both panting staring into each others eyes, glaring
You look over seeing Ciel and Aoi Staring
Taking a breath, you tried to escape having Sebastian react headbudding you back to the ground
Your head was forced back wards making you groan
"Asshole" you said sucking at your teeth
"I win" Sebastian then gets off of you and helps you up, he turns to the pair and bows
You rolled your eyes punching him to the floor

"Calm down Y/N, just trail and error" Ciel yelled getting off the bench walking towards you
Sebastian chuckled as he gets up
"CANT accept? I can force you?" He says sexually
"Oh shut up, I'll get you next time."
Aoi rushed to you running passed Ciel as he walks
"What was that?! I thought you could beat him?!"
"Aoi, it's just training." You told her brushing yourself off
"Better get him next time.."
"Oh, I will" you smirked at Sebastian, he looks back and winked, rolling your eyes at that

LATER THAT DAY, just before dinner. You and Sebastian are in the kitchen preparing dinner, as Finnian fixing the grass and other things in the garden. May-Rin sweeping and cleaning the entrance hall and Aoi and Ciel are in his Study.

"What do you think about Claude.." you managed to break the silence
"To me, he's vile" he sets down his spoon and facing you "before you came, he.. was a character.."
you grew curious
"What does that mean" you leaned into the counter
"He murdered Alois, his previous master.. I've heard he confessed his feelings for him.. breaking the contract.. he wanted Ciels soul.. Ciel not having one.. he doesn't want it.. Aoi on the other hand.. she spends her time here as she orders Claude to stay home and watch the manor.. I've swung by to see him doing just that.. occasionally feasting on souls of the homeless.."
you had a disgusted and disturbed face..
"And you think he'll go after Aoi?"
"Oh no, it doesn't seem that way.. for now he's acting like a active butler.. for now"
"For now?" You questioned
"Don't worry, Aoi knows he's a demon. Why would she fall for him or in sense of putting herself in danger.. after all, she's growing an attachment to Ciel.."
"Sooner or later you'll see a wedding as well" you giggled
"Ah yes.. a wedding.."
You realized In three weeks your wedding will occur in the garden, you blush
"Hurry along" he says snapping you out of it and plating the food into the cart

Ciel and Aoi had dinner in his study, he glances at her every once in a while. She enjoys her meal, Ciel lightly smiles at his food hiding his face from her.
You and Sebastian see the whole thing happen in silence. You glance over to Sebastian smirking.

You thought.. "Maybe Aoi and Ciel can get together sooner or later.. I already seen him make a move on her.." you smiled at the thought, quickly dropping it from your face before being noticed

"I think you should spend the night.." Ciel spoke up pushing his plate aside
Sebastian then grabbing it and placing it on the cart.
You then poured Ciel another cup of tea
"I shouldn't, I should really head back to my estate"
"No it's fine, stay" Ciel sipped his tea
Aoi then looked stunned, she looks at you for approval, you shrugged at her
Aoi then hesitated to answer
"I.. maybe.. yes.. thank you"
"Sebastian pass along the message" Ciel ordered
"Yes my lord" he then vanished presumably to her manor to speak with Claude or her sudden stay.
Aoi looks down fidgeting with her dress.
"Y/N, help Aoi with her retire"
"Yes my lord" you bowed helping Aoi up from her seat.
Aoi then looking back at Ciel as he sips his tea.

"He blushed when I left" Aoi stated
"You like him don't you" you giggled running her a bath
"I don't know her.. he may seem harsh.. but I know deep down he's caring" she says taking off her shoes
"Maybe one day he'll confess?" You smiled
"Maybe.. but till then.. I'll make his life a little harder to move along without me.."
"What do you mean?, making his day harder makes mine harder too ya know" you turned off the water facing her
"I know he likes me, but I know the more he falls for me, the more he struggles to go on with his day.. even without me near him"
"I see.. so you DO like him back.." you giggled
"Maybe I do.." she takes off her dress before getting into the tub
"Then you should tell him Aoi.." you help wash her
"Not if he confesses first.."

Sebastian POV
I arrived back to the manor, Ciel seemed to be in a daze.
"What's wrong Master?" I asked
"Aoi.." he replied "what am I going to do"
"Listen to your heart.. as one says" you grabbed the cart and move it towards the door
"Wait, help me!" Ciel shouted "how did you get Y/N to fall for you so easily.."
"I didn't do much my lord.. I told her how I felt that was all, I'm sure Aoi likes you back just as much.."
Ciel blushed At your reply
"Maybe you should tell her.. she is after all staying the night"
Ciel then scoffed under his breath
"I don't want to seem desperate.." he says
"I promise you, you won't.. but try.. even at fail atleast she knows.. maybe she'll turn around"
You then left the room with the cart of dishes to the kitchen leaving Ciel to ponder..

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