Pt2 - Finding a way

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Exhausted, legs are weak, Aoi and yourself felt yourselves crumple at the steps of this church.

Sun just starting to set.

Admiring the Purple/Red sky.

Gasping and catching air, you both sit there glancing every now and then at each other.

"This.." you take a breath "What is- .. *sharp inhale* this?" You gasped
"I don't.. *sharp inhale and exhale maintaining eye contact* knows Y/N" Aoi starts to have watery eyes, tip of her nose pink
You kiss your teeth, shaking your head.  You looked back into the sky.

You both sit for a second to regulate your breathing and heart rate.

"So... this church might help." Aoi said grunting to get up on her feet
"Looks Catholic.. Are you sure?" You question also getting onto your feet

Standing side by side at the first step of the church. The church looks does in fact look catholic. Stained glass. But it's old.. very old. Corroded.

Still holding onto the red ribbon, you tie your hair up as you walk up the stairs. "Shall we?"

The pitter patter of Ali's feet behind you.
Getting closer and closer to the front doors. The sky gets abnormally darker, a lot faster than it should. You disregard the fact.

At the door you hear whispers of what you think is just gibberish. Very faint.

"You can hear that?" You whispered to Aoi
"There's people here?" Aois face confused
"No..." you place both hands onto the door and your ear. In a low voice "spirits.." you mouthed to Aoi.
Her eyes widened.
"Demons?" She mouthed back
You flicked your eyebrow, telling her "we'll see"

You stepped back.

"My majesty, step back" you sarcastically ordered Aoi
She scoffed and lightly smiled "we're in this together" she placed her left hand ready to open the left door of the church. Yours on the right. Side by side.

"Let's go home." Aoi calmly announced
"Home." You replied.

Both opened the doors in sync, grey almost black spirits/demons fly out screaming/shrieking. Walking in on the same footsteps. The echo appears to be one person.

Time slowed down as the doors close behind you, the spirits/demons return into the church behind you.

Walking by the benches, hearing these faint ghostly voices


"Killll to go hommme~"

"Oh thy majesssty~"



Repeats as you walk towards the front.

You look over to Aoi, she's calm with her held up high, looking forward. You act your part and glare at the empty seats, and towards the sounds of these whispers.

The voices seem to get quieter the closer you get the the front.

Two chairs are up front. You and Aoi stand behind them. In silence.

Then the voices chatter "He's here~" over and over until a ghostly figure emerges from In between the seats. 

The voices stop.

"Yourrr~... namesss ?" It said softly and calmly

You and Aoi look at each other before answering.
Aoi spoke first.

"I'm Aoi L/N.. This is my best friend Y/N L/N" she proudly announced

It looked at Aoi swiftly and almost in slow motion. "Yourrrr~, the leaderrr~?"

It asked.

"No. WE Are." She corrected it. "And your name?"

It chuckled, turning around and starts to walk towards his seat or I could say throne... just a few feet away from you. It's steps are heavy, but they don't break or creak the floor..

It sits. Rumbles the church.

"I~~... am... Satan."  It says.

SebastianXReader  🍋 Where stories live. Discover now