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The next morning shortly after arriving back at the estate, Ciel ordered training after lunch.
Following behind Ciel to his study-

"There will be training after lunch, Y/N versus Sebastian, then Aoi versus Y/N" he stated "I want you to do your absolute best to try to make a killing strike pausing before you follow along with it.."

There was a moment of silence

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my young master" you and Sebastian replied entering the study

Aoi sits in the guest chair and Ciel sits in his. You and Sebastian take both ends of the desk.

"Bring me tea" he says shuffling some papers
"Yes my lord" Sebastian leaves the study
"Now, how about some planning?" Aoi says
"Planning?" Ciel questioned
"Our wedding silly!" She giggled
"Ohh, right.. we'll we can speak of that alone"
"My lord, if there's anything I can take care of, just say the order" you grinned putting a hand to the chest
"Thank you Y/N, so?" Aoi says "see, we have help"
The conversation carried out and soon after lunch time was almost amongst us.

"I must prepare lunch" you said bowing
"Oh yes yes" Ciel said gesturing you off.

-In the garden for training-

You and Aoi stood your places. You swung your katanas in a circle between your fingers, closing your eyes, moving your head side to side to relieve tension. Aoi tossing her scythe into the air and catching it like a baton, moving it around her hips.

Ciel clears his throat "Go" he shouts

Aoi charges moving her scythe back over her shoulder to swing. You stood waiting for her to get close, she swings, you lean back keeping your feet planted. Her scythe just misses your head, you flick your katana up, having a free hand. She moves around you, coking your hand back, she ran right into your fist blowing her back rolling. Sticking your hand out to catch the katana, glare as cold as ice. Blank.
Ciel and Sebastian stunned.

"One for me" you whispered to yourself, walking towards Aoi.
You felt anger as you walked. Not realizing this anger would affect your practice combat with Aoi.. In possible horrible ways. Aoi reaching for her Scythe, you flicked a small ball of fire to her hand. She looked at you visibly irritated, you threw your katanas to the side, having them stab and pinning it self to the ground. Aoi then rushing to stand, she throws an upper cut, missing you again, she throw a right hook, missing you, you moved faster than her strikes. Keeping your face stone cold. Right when you had a chance for free room, you threw your head forward headbutting her. She flew back into the bench where Ciel was. Ciel looks over to her seeing her forehead split and bleeding, dripping down her face. Ciel then looking up at Sebastian.

"Calm her down will you"
"Yes, my lord"

Sebastian then takes off his tail coat, tossing it to the side. You smirked and lifted a hand to rub your neck,  hiding your hand flexed open for the katana to then move and fly to your hand. Sebastian then close enough, to strike, you vanish, reappearing on his shoulders, you leaned back, flipping him and slamming him on the ground. Looking up in time to see Aois scythe inches away from your face, reacting quick enough to lean back, dodging her swing, and grabbing Sebastian and throwing him into her.
Your blood ran cold. You didn't know why. You stood back up, throwing the katana aside giving up on it as Two are against you. You took off your tail coat, unpinning the chain, looking at it as you toss your tail coat by your katana. You wrapped the chain around your fist. Looking up Sebastian striking at you with a fist, you quickly moved your arm around his gripping it, now face to face with him.

"What's gotten into you?" He panted
Your eyes widened.. "I..."

Before you could finish, your grip loosened and Aoi Right Hooks you to the ground. You're stunned she landed a hit, even that, confused why were you acting this way. Before calmly getting up from the ground, your hands engulfed in flames, you're quick reflexes heightened, moving faster than you did before. You vanished right infront of them in a blink of an eye, grabbing Aoi from behind throwing her towards the manor. You released your chain from one end, the flames slowly covering every inch, you swing it to crack it at Aoi, when Sebastian grips the other end holding you back.
"STOP" he yelled "are you trying to kill her?!"
You shook your head "no", letting go of the chain, as you dropped it the flames gone out in smoke.
You turned around, and walked passed Sebastian. Sitting in the bench next to Ciel..
"I forfeit" you say
"care to tell me what's going on?" Ciel replied
You hesitated, looking up to the sky, then looking over to his feet.
"I- don't know" you sounded confused and upset.
"You wouldn't kill her, you would just simply hurt her horribly" he continued "you can take the rest of the day off and rest and figure out what's going on, from there when you know, you can report back to me and we can take another chance for the training" Ciel stood up, leaving you seated.

-same night after dinner-

You headed light footsteps indecating it was Ciel, you expect him to pass your room into his, but he stops just up the hall into his Study. You decided to get up and tell him about your dream you had the other day.

"Master?" You whispered
"Yes?" He said "come in"
"My lord.. about earlier" you walked in staying by the door
"Yes?" As he shuffled through some papers
"I had a dream the city was in flames and I wasn't well.. you or the others were at the manor.. that was also up the flames... I think this.. dream.. nightmare.. was in the future.." you took a breath
Ciel then looking up concerned..
"Interesting.. we shall take everything into note from now on" he says "for that concerns this city threatening matter"
"Yes my lord" you bow "I'll take my leave"

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