Next day

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You awoke to to Sebastian still sleeping, you checked the time to be a lot earlier compared to when you usually wake up at.. getting out of bed, you decide to go make some tea. Silently moving down the halls till you heard faint talking, you try to listen to each door to find where the talking must be, till you stumbled across Aois and Ciels room. You covered your mouth as you remembered Ciel heard your breathing last time you eavesdropped. You held your breath and listened.

"I think we should have our wedding in the summer..yes?" Aoi says whispering
"Hmm.. perhaps" Ciel says almost distracted
"I just think it'll be fun, we can go to a resort or some kind, or even a hot spring." She continued
"Her majesty has a hot spring in use after a mission I did, she rebuilt the village and made it into a hot spring" he says regaining his focus on Aoi

Before you finished listening to the conversation, you felt hands on your waist. You turned your head violently over your shoulder, it was Sebastian, sleep still in his eyes.
You grabbed Sebastian and continued to walk in silent steps.
"What was that?" He said breathy
"Oh, something exciting" you grinned
Stopping in the kitchen, you grabbed some teabags and a kettle.
"Want some?" You asked raising them up offering
He simply nodded "yes" as he leaned on the kitchen counter.
"What was that dream about.." he spoke
That sent chills down your spine.. he continued "I overheard the conversation.."

You turned to face him..he looks concerned almost angered.
"It was a dream, it felt too real for it to just be a dream. I told him about it because if it were to be real, all of us, ALL OF US. Are in danger." You said walking towards him
"I just feel like this dream, wasn't just a dream.."

Sebastian then hugging you tightly slightly rocking you side to side.
"I'll protect you at all cost" he whispers
You began to form tears on your eyes, as for in the dream; he was calling for you and rescuing you.

The kettles loud whistle broke your hug, Sebastian then reaching for it leaving for you to now lean on the counter.
He prepared your tea along with his, and you both sipped in silence hearing each crock and crack of the manor against the morning wind, hearing birds chirping lightly.
You broke the silence.
"I overheard them talking about their wedding.." you whispered grinning behind your cup.
"I'm sure this will be interesting" Sebastian says

You suddenly remembered something grueling.. your smile dropping from your face growing suspicious.. Sebastian takes notice and asks "who do you think could be the culprit for the city's demise?"
You looked up Sebastian from you yea.. taking a breath before speaking...

"Have you noticed Claude just simply.. disappeared.." you held onto your cup tighter
"I'm sure he just went back to where he usually is, and waits for the next summoning" he says brushing it off
"Coincidentally right when her and Ciel did the thing, I'm not sure if Aoi took notice he just left" you set down your empty cup.
"I don't know my love, only time will tell. At that, I'll be there" he reassured you with a kiss on the forhead.
"It's time to wake him up" he says lightly grabbing your arm out the door
You nodded.
After getting dressed, Sebastian heads out first, you followed him into Ciels bedroom.

"Master?" Sebastian says
"Yes yes, come in" Ciel shouted

Ciel was at the vanity, facing the door, Aoi was still in bed but sitting at the edge, facing Ciel. Ciel then sitting up, raising his arms shoulder level preparing to get dressed. Aoi also gets up and walks towards you and does the same. You and Sebastian get them dressed, following protocol and not missing a beat.
Ciel spoke breaking the silence.
"We should go get breakfast in town today"
Aoi replying "sounds great"
"Sebastian get the carriage ready, fetch me in my study when ready" he says
"Yes my lord" Sebastian replied
You grew worried with the thought of being seen, and danger grows at the manor.. or even right there in the city. Sebastian takes notice of your emotions and quickly gets Ciel dressed and waits beside the door as you finish with Aoi. You both leave the room, after Ciel and Aoi, opening the door for them to his study.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian whispers
"Just- I feel like someone or something will notice me.. or something is going to happen if we go to the city" you struggled to get the words out your mouth
"My love-.. kitten, you'll be okay.. IF there was any danger, I'll be sure to take care of it." He says
You feel at ease with his words of encouragement, but something else bothered you. Words were words, but actions speak louder. You wonder IF Sebastian would and could take on what came before you, even if you were slightly stronger than him. Sebastian gets the carriage ready, as you wait along side him almost watching his movements and studying the steps.

On the way to the city, the ride was silent. As usual, but something was Erie that you couldn't brush off.

Upon arriving to the city, Sebastian drove infront of the cafe Ciel adored and coincidentally previously met up with Her Majesty. You saw someone familiar at the end of the cafe, almost hiding..
Sebastian pulling you close to his side, you broke your gaze w this person looking up at Sebastian confused, seeing him glaring at the man. Hearing heeled boot like steps coming towards you, you looked back at the man seeing walk towards Ciel, sitting down alongside him on the table. You and Sebastian guard his back. Once this man spoke, you knew.

"Undertaker.." Ciel sounded annoyed
"Heehee, wonderful day for some tea" he replied
"I assume so" Ciel said easing his hand up for attention of a hostess "what a surprise seeing you out of the office"
"Ah yes" giggling then taking a breath
"I assume you knew I was coming" Ciel cuts off Undertaker before he came continue "is there any information regarding the city?.."
"For a price.." he giggled "you know the deal"
"Yes I know, we'll go back to your shop" Ciel replied

Undertaker nods and leaves the cafe, taking off his hat, moving some hair from his face, revealing one eye, looking with yours. Your drip became tighter as you held onto Sebastian, making him move you to his other side and stepping where you stood. Glaring at Undertaker.
"Don't worry, I'm not for her.., she couldn't simply handle me" he says very seriously as he leaves
That catches ciels attention.
"Care to speak on the matter?" He says
"My lord.. I'm afraid to say.. there's more information than you anticipate" Sebastian replied
"I see.. then so be it" Ciel sips his tea
You almost afraid for his safety. You become angry as to whom or what was ahead.
"And for this City matter.." Aoi speaks up
"I don't think it's just the city.. it's deeper.." Ciel replied
You tried to speak but nothing came out.. you thought if it was Aoi they were after.. or Ciel.. Sebastian or myself.. or all of us.. but at the end of the day.. you know this "dream" was becoming into a reality.. very soon

Ciel then standing up, and leaves for the door Api following behind him. Sebastian then gestures you to go before him. Ciel ditching the carriage and walks on foot to Undertakers shop. Arriving to an Erie shop.
You stood outside staring at the details of the shop. "Stay put" Ciel says "come Sebastian"
"Yes my lord" he replied following him inside. You guard Aoi looking over your shoulder and Hers.
You heard Undertakers loud obnoxious laughter almost rattling the shop entirely. You and Aoi look at eachother confused as to what was said. Then the door opens, and Sebastian gestures you both side.
"Ahh HEEEHEHEHEHHEHEEE AHAHHAHA" undertaker continued rolling on his desk.
"Is his payment always jokes?" You whispered to yourself
Undertaker calming down, stepping down from his desk and leans on it crossing his arms in his sleeves.
"The information undertaker.." Ciel grew impatient
"Ah yes.. is this your Wife, Ciel?" He points at Aoi
You stepped infront of her, blocking her from undertakers grasps.
"Your point?" Ciel says
"There is someone who wants to kill her.. I've heard she's on the Do Die list..HeeHee" he giggles at this
Aoi covering her mouth at the verge of tears
"Who?" Ciel says sternly
"Oh I don't know.. someone is coming for her soon.."
the shop went silent.. feeling pressure in the air..
"There's more.." he continued .."I see fire.."
your jaw dropped at this.. "shit" you thought looking at Sebastian. He glares at Undertaker whom is giggling.
Ciel sighs and turns to leave, taking Aoi by the hand pulling her out the shop. You and Sebastian follow behind. The whole ride back to the estate was silent.. until lunch that is.

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