Back at the Estate

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"I must get to preparing lunch, please excuse me" Sebastian boss before leaving

You're left with Ciel.

"Well then, let's talk shall we?" Ciel steps forward to the manor "come now"
"Okay" you said following him, he lead you to his study.
"So I've been thinking that we should start training you tonight.." he sits down at his desk "I'm curious what you have to offer, now that you're a demon and Sebastian's Wife"
"I'm sure I will impress even myself" you cockily smirked, pulling a chair to sit
"I see, tell me what do you see.. in what you believe"
You hesitate to say your next words. Thinking.
What DO YOU see..
"Nothing. I see red." You cross your legs, fixing yourself in your chair. Looking up at Ciel
Ciel nods and accepts you have nothing else to say.
"We'll find that out tonight. Shall we?"
"Indeed." You scoffed "What training is this?"
"I presume Sebastian would do the same he did with me. I'm sure he was trying to figure out if I'm stronger than him." He scuffs through papers in his desk
"That is?" You questioned
"To fight him. Swords will be brought out, knifes, all that. You use what you can or pick from the selection and you go at it"
"And hurt him?" You gasp
"No no, you ever lands the first touch on the other opponent simply wins."
That calmed you down
"Okay, that sounds easy enough" you brush your hair over your shoulder
"Yes, but since your his wife. He will push you to your most limit"
"My limit?" You shot your head to look at Ciel "he's going to hurt me?"
"No" Ciel places some papers down "he will just go harder, it might seem he's trying to kill you, he would like to see how you will try to win or escape" Ciel leans back in his chair "he will simply want to know what his wife got in store"
You smirk and take off your gloves revealing your black nails and slim hand, flexing your hand before placing it back on your lap and folding your hand looking back at Ciel
"I don't think he'll go that rough with me, I have a very short temper" you warn him
"Well, put on a show for me" he giggles before sitting back up and back into his papers
You giggle back and there was silence.

"You need a new name." Ciel spoke up
"New name?" You question, putting your hand on your chest.
"Yes. You aren't Y/N anymore. She was human."
You look down thinking. Looking at the color of your dress.
"Cherry" you replied
"Cherry?" He questioned
"But I'd like to still be called by my name" you nervously said
"This name will only be used outside the manor." He reassured you. "After all, I don't even know Sebastian's real name. I named him after my Dog that I had when I was younger"
You giggled at that
"I think Sebastian fits him" you blushed
"Indeed" Ciel replied "you may stay here and keep me company till Lunch"
"I- are you sure?" You were shocked by this, he always seemed to be a loner type. He likes his peace.
"Yes Y/N" he sighed "you may roam around if you'd like, a puzzle, or look out at the garden."
"Oh my, thank you, I think I'll stay here seated."

Hearing footsteps In the hallway, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Ciel says
It was Sebastian, he steps in, giving you a smile.
"You have nothing else planned for today, would you like to freshen up?"
He took a moment to answer
"Yes" after these papers "come sit, tell Y/N what you plan for training
You smile and pull a chair for him and he sits
"I simply want to know what she has to offer"
"That's what I said." Ciel says "but what are you planning to do exactly"
"First there will be a race around the Manor, three laps, and who ever gets to the finish line, wins. Then there's Knife throwing. Hand to hand combat with weapons and without. And lastly, Ciel would go out in the City, to hide his Hat. You would have to find it in under Three minutes and bring it back"
"That's all?" You asked
"Yes" Sebastian nodded. "Running to and from, retrieving, and Combat is what is needed to serve Ciel."
Ciel nodded in agreement
"I see" you said "I know there's something else." Giving a serious face to Sebastian
"During the hand to hand combat, I will try to harm you. You must do your best to harm me back or try to escape, reaching Ciel before you are harmed is a safe point, reaching Ciel would mean you have escaped." He explained
"Oh okay, I don't think I'll be the one running away" you said tilting your head to Ciel
Ciel smiled at this "I don't want you coming to me scared Y/N"
"I won't" you laughed "atleast I'll try" looking at Sebastian and he's still serious.

"Lunch is in two hours, my lord" Sebastian said "should I run a bath now?"
"Yes" Ciel Replied setting his papers down, signing one and handing it to Sebastian "mail this in"
Leaving you in the office.

Your thoughts now that your in silence
He must trust me to be alone in his Study. Why did he said not to run to him? Sebastian is going to really  try to harm me. He didn't mention I had a short temper to Sebastian.. he must've believed me. I really do.. one thing setting me off can be dangerous now that I'm a demon. I don't want to hurt Sebastian. But if I have to.. I'll just scratch him or.. kick his back knocking him down.. something small..
I wish Aoi was here with me.. I wonder if I can get her here with me.. I wonder if she found the book.. that she has it.

Sebastian used his telepathy to talk to you

"I think you'll do great during our training. You'll be okay." He says
That made you smile but you wanted to take it serious. You wanted Ciel to know he had Two and not one strong Demons. Under the contract after training, he would have two strong demons under his control.
You replied "talk with Ciel and ask if the training would determine if he wants a contracts with me"
There was a pause before his voice came to you again.
"Yes. He said, I liked the fact you're my wife, but he would like it more if you were strong too"
"Tell him that if he wanted he could watch since I'm not going to run to him for safety"
There was a pause and you sat up, placing your hand on the corner of Ciels desk.
"He said Yes"
You smiled. Patting his desk and leaving his Study to your room.
You decided to rest till lunch.

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