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Tine watched as the Clutch Elders assembled in the Hall of Ancestors for the Reading of his bloodline. As the Master of Records read his lineage starting with the first of his line and going forward for twenty generations, he felt his chest swell with pride. His line was one of the oldest and strongest of all of the dragon clutches scattered about. Thanks to senseless and fearful hunting in some parts of the world, his kind were fewer and fewer. Most humans were fearful of things that they did not understand or could not control. Realizing the Master of Records was waiting on him, he cleared his throat and asked him to repeat the question. Several of the male elders nudged each other in the ribs and openly laughed thinking he was thinking of his soon-to-be mate. He didn't bother to correct them. They wouldn't believe him anyway.

"I asked if you are preparing a nest for you and you mate to dwell in or are you going to bring her here? And what about a bride price? It is my understanding the your mate's mother is not only a lorekeeper but has dragon heritage." Tine could feel the tension shoot up in the room at the mention of his mate's possible heritage.

"I will answer these questions in the order that you have asked them,  Master. I have, indeed began the building of a nest. It will be situated on top of the old ruins of my home." Murmurs sounded around the room. Many were not sure that this was a good thing or not. "I could use some help from the clutch to at least make it habitable in the coming weeks. Our wedding is the day of the next full moon, at harvest time." This time murmurs of approval could be heard. "As far as the bride price is concerned, her parents have not asked for one. However, I do not feel it is because they do not value their daughter. Quite the opposite, they treasure her dearly. But I feel like this might be a shrewd move on the lorekeeper's part to realign themselves with the Clutch. I would like an elder to come with me to attend my wedding. In fact, I invite all of the clutch to attend. After all, this is an historic occasion, to say the least."  Many heads around the room nodded sagely in agreement. Tine continued after witnessing the agreement of the Clutch to his statement. "As for my mate's mother, she has hair so red that it can only be described as fiery and eyes that are sharply tilted at the outer corners."

This time the looks on the faces of the Elders were almost disbelief. Given his own coloring and that of his mate's mother, there was no doubt of the heritage of the family. Once the Elders were among the villagers of Mira's village and the neighboring villages, more would be discovered.

"Elders,  this is not an opportunity to be missed. Every member of the Clutch, from the youngest to the oldest, should attend, not just our wedding, but the harvest festival. There was a time in our history that we mingled freely among the humans of this land. Mingled so well, that we took them as mates. The males took human females, and our females would join with human males. Their children are obviously the peoples of this and the surrounding villages. That would mean that many have talents, affinities, and gifts of unknown origin. It is my greatest wish is to reunify our two races. In peace and harmony."

"Tine, you are wise for your youth. You speak with weight of knowledge and wisdom. You do the Clutch proud. Your actions this night have proven your mettle and ability to rule. Yes! The Clutch will attend this wedding and harvest festival. And to hearken back to the times of old, we will bring our own bounty. Fish from the glacier lakes. Wild boar from the forest. And the females will bring a large amount of our own harvest. Everything from apples and pears to fresh wild herbs for seasoning and corn and other vegetables." The Elder of the Clutch, Titus hammered his onyx and ruby staff against the floor twice in quick succession, indicating a royal decision.Once the Elder's decision was announced the murmurs began to get stronger and louder, until it was a mild roar the the cavernous chamber.

Raising his hands, the room almost instantly quieted. Then turning to look at Tine, Titus addressed him. "What is it that you desire for you and your mates nest?"

I would eventually like a castle like my parents had. However, for now, a larger sized home. As dragons, we tend to have large families and I would initially like that kind of room. She is from a wealthy family and used to having a large residence. But I genuinely feel that she really doesn't care how large or small our home will be. But I have acquired stone for building and there is lumber for timers and reeds for thatch or a stone roof. Elder Titus, our builders are some of the best in the world. Some of out structures have been standing for a thousand years. That is why I wish for your help. I am not a builder, I am an scholar and not qualified to build our home. It is why I ask for my family to help."

Tine to a step back to indicate he was finished speaking. The Master of Records stepped forward and approached Titus. "Sir, if I may, there is a clutch to the East that is filled with wonderful builders. Swift and accurate. Shall I send for them?"

"Yes, I think that is a fine idea. They can fly and be here in less than two days. It is settled. Tine, we will join you at the ruins in three days time. I look forward to meeting your mate and her family."

Realizing that the assemblage was dismissed, the clutch elders began to drift away. As he stepped out of the room, he was joined by one of the most respected of the Clutch. Raptor was one of the oldest of them. It was said that he had forgotten how old he really was.

"I would like to accompany you to see your mate, if I may? I was once in love with a female in that village. But her father did not favor our union. The Clutch has a long memory and well remembered the death of your parents, so it was decided that I would leave the village. I never forgot her. And I would very much like to see if I recognize any of what might be her ancestors."

Tine could only nod. He could only imagine the pain that the old dragon had felt. Just being separated from Mira to come to this meeting of the Elders was almost debilitating. Raptor had literally had his love ripped away from him.

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