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Amethyst looked down at the note in her hand that her mother had sent her. Many emotions were going through her, chief among them, disbelief. The Eastern Kingdom had not visited their village in a very long time. Her grandmother had not been born when the trading and visits had stopped. 


Be prepared. The Eastern emperor is coming for Mira and Tine's wedding. It seems that Tine's parent's and the Emperor were great friends and allies. They are arriving at the end of the week, and accommodations have been set up for them as well as servants to tend to their needs. 

Please make sure that Mira is aware of their visit and just how important it is to us as a village for our survival. We are not as populous as we once were and we have not had the trade that we we used to receive. While we are not a dying village, we could use the trade and very possibly the growth that new commence would bring.


The note was simply signed with her mother's first name. Poor Mira. She really had no idea just how big her marrying Tine was. Eastern allies, a dragon heritage, becoming queen. She would be worried if her daughter wasn't such a strong woman. both emotionally and mentally. Before Mira came home from her daily walk with Tine after dinner, Amethyst took the note into Isaac's study to show him.

"This secret is getting harder and harder to keep, my love. Our daughter just happen to find a mate and a chosen who just happens to be an heir apparent to a 700 year old throne and dynasty. You, your mother and or daughter are about to have your heritage publicly revealed. Our village is about to grow beyond anyone's beliefs." He stated, shaking his head in wonder and disbelief.

Just as Isaac stood up to leave his office with Amethyst, Tine was escorting Mira inside the house. Looking at her parents, they realized just how much she had blossomed in Tine's presence. Her whole being seemed to glow from the inside out. The glimmer in her eyes and the ready smile on her lips were just some of the changes that people had noticed about her. Mira had always been a pretty child, but now, it was if some ephemeral change had occurred to her and she had become beautiful overnight.

Amethyst thought back to the story of Tine's parents and how a spurned and jealous young lord had amassed an army and brought war to the king and queen. All because he couldn't have Tine's mother. She had rejected him as her chosen and instead of accepting it, he had blamed Erwan and turned his spiteful rage on the royal family, even seeking to murder a child while he watched his parents be slaughtered. Thankfully, Erwan and his queen had foreseen this and had sent their son to the clutch to be raised.

Yes, Amethyst knew the entire story. She had only know bits and pieces until Tine was chosen by his daughter. He had sat down with them and provided the whole ugly, sad story. Then he warned them that history might try to repeat itself with Mira and that brat of a lordling that she rejected. Realizing that Mira was watching her, she smiled and invited Tine into the parlor for a brief time before Mira retired for the night.

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