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Richard stood in his sitting room, looking at the two men who appeared to have made themselves quite at home in his absence. Thankfully, his mother had sent a falcon with a message, letting him know of the posturing and arrogance of these two. He was so incensed that he almost was ready to flay the both on the whipping post.

"Dear cousin, how is it that you were not here to greet us properly, as befitting men of our stature?" Ashton said while lazily swirling a glass of his best whisky in his hand.

"Dear cousin, perhaps if you had requested a visit instead of expecting to be accommodated just because you show up, I might have been here. It is my understanding that you have made life very difficult for my female staff. Even the younger ones. This will not be tolerated. If I hear that you so much as harmed one hair on any servants head, you may well lose your hand. Some fingers, at the very least." Richard retorted.

This caused Ashton to sit up. "See here, cousin. They are just servants and good for that sort of thing. I shall enjoy the dalliances of the young wench Meena. I thoroughly enjoyed her services last night and intend to enjoy her again tonight."

Richard was beside himself with anger. This young boy felt like he could do as he pleased in someone else's home without any sort of consequences. He had had enough. Nodding his head toward Robard, directing him to the old man, Richard swiftly crossed the room and yanked the lad up by the front of his shirt, smacking him and then backhanding him in the most insulting manner.

"How dare you! Do you know I am!" The lad screamed.

"No sir. How dare you! Do you know who I am?" Was spoken in a soft, yet lethal voice.

It was that voice that soft spoken question that got through to the young man. Realizing how serious of an error in judgement that he had made, he began to sputter an apology. But Richard had had enough of the fool's posturing. His and his father's.

"Save your breath, you miscreant, for you are going to the dungeon. You and your father both, and when we leave for Mira's wedding, you shall go as her gift. Shackled and gagged properly to keep you from making anymore trouble. I have had enough of you and your insolent behavior." Turning to Anton, he said, "You! This is your fault. You knew exactly what you were doing when you allowed him every indulgence. How many girls has he raped? How many has he killed in careless anger? The both of you deserve everything that will be judged to you for the multitude of wrongs that you both have committed. If you are lucky, your miserable lives will be ended quickly for your crimes. Have you ever seen what a dragon does to it's enemy? They're like a cat, they like to play with their food." 

Richard watched with satisfaction as both men went quite pale, realizing that they weren't going to get away with anything and that Richard knew everything. Meaning Tine and Isaac most likely did as well...

Suddenly, a guard appeared, allowing Richard and Robard to hand them over to the castle guards. "If they make any sort of trouble, any at all, hang them on the wall and whip them twenty lashes each."

"Aye, your Lordship. It will be done." He and several other guards took the men away.

"Robard, go an find Meena. I will check on Mother and the rest of the servants." Both men didn't have far to go because Dame Elizabeth met her son and nephew as they were entering into the grand entry hall.
"Thank heavens, you're back. That insolent little twit and his father have put this house in an uproar. All of the female servants threatened to quit if they had to serve that rotten little beast. I hope you have made him realize the error of his ways." Dame Elizabeth said it as a statement not a question, knowing full well that her son and nephew would be able to handle a spoilt brat and an insensate old man.

"Aunt Elizabeth, where is Meena? I fear for her state of mind." Robard said.

"Hush boy, the girl is fine. She managed to get away from the little beast last night before he could do any real damage." Turning to fully look him in the eye, she said, "You need to go ahead and marry that girl. We all know how you feel about her. No one would be a bit surprised. Certainly, she would be a welcome edition to this family. I've never encountered an sweeter, gentler girl than Meena and it's time you made an honest woman of her." Dame Elizabeth raised one eyebrow as she watched her nephew turn an interesting shade of red. After have said her piece, she turned back to her son and said, "I have instructed the servants to start the process of closing up the castle. It is almost time for Amethyst's daughter's wedding and I want to attend." No one denied the Dame anything. It was unthinkable, to do so.

"Very well Mother. Tomorrow, we shall have a small wedding for Robard and Meena and then get a few affairs squared away and then we will leave in three days time." Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement and swept out of the room, just as Meena came flying down the staircase to land in Robard's arms.

"Really, we're getting married? For real?" Realizing that Robard had not spoken but was silently glaring at her, she stopped and suddenly hung her head. "We...don't have to....I am content with this..."

"Hush! Woman, you never cease to amaze me. I am not angry at you. I am angry at myself. Every time I leave you, you get a new mark or bruise or cut or scar or scrape. For my own sanity, yes we are getting married." Richard watched across the room as Meena's eyes got round with some unknown emotion.  

"I'll beg your pardon! I am not a thing to be kept safe or tended to. I am a woman! And I want to be loved and cherished, and if you can't do that, then I will not marry you! EVER!" With that, she stomped on his foot to emphasize her point, turned and fled the entry way.  

"Well cousin, it seems that you had better go make up so that you will start your married life off happy. She seems quite distraught that you want to marry her to "keep her safe." If she has this much fire out of the bed chamber, I can only imagine what she is like in it. You better hurry before her temper gets the best of her and she goes to protest to Mother." Robard blanched and turned to follow Meena in the direction she took off to.

Surprisingly, he found her in his room, of all places. "Meena, please." He entreated, not knowing what else to say. "Meena, I'm so sorry. I honestly do not see you as a thing to be looked after or kept safe. I see you as a beautiful young lady, who ever time I leave, she gets injured, because I'm not there next to you. Where I should be. And I never want to be anywhere else." Without waiting for her to answer, Robard went and sat next to her on the floor in front of his wardrobe, where she sat hugging her knees with her face buried in them, her shoulders shaking from the sobs.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Meena raised her head and looked at Robard and said "Truly?" 

"Truly. I have loved you for a while. Since you came to work here at the castle last year. Now Dame Elizabeth is right. It's time I made an honest woman of you. Meena, will you marry me? Will you be my wife. Will you let me "tend and keep you?"

Meena started crying again as she nodded her head. Robard was about to take her in his arms and kiss her when a knock sounded on the door. Swearing under his breath while Meena giggled, Robard got up to answer the door. There were several footmen carrying large buckets of water and a large copper tub big enough for both of them. The lead footman nodded at Robard and simply said as he entered the room, "With Madam's regards. So that the bride and groom may  be fresh and clean for the morning and their wedding." 

Upon Meena's gasp a chamber maid entered carrying a beautiful gown of the lightest shade of blue with pearls and small stones sown on to it. "Also, with Madam's regards. A wedding dress fit for a young woman of your station, milady."

Robard watched the girl hang the dress on the wardrobe door and turned to leave the room. At doorway, she turned and said, "Madam said for me to be here by 8 sharp to help you get ready." Then she curtsied and left.

Standing and staring at the door where everyone had disappeared back out of, Meena was lost in wonder. Robard walked up behind her and scooped her up in her arms and carried her into the bathing chamber.

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