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Mira lay in bed, curled up on her side in misery. She didn't understand what was wrong with her. She would cry at the slightest inclination. The feelings she had were over whelming her. She felt so lost and alone. She felt abandoned. She knew that Tine would be gone for several day, but had no idea that it would affect her so radically. She was so miserable that she didn't even bother to turn over her pillow that was wet, soaked, from her constant tears. They rolled down her face in a silvery trail, leaving her eyes red and swollen. 

As she lay there contemplating the depths of her misery, she heard her door open and heard a familiar step. Her father sat down on the side of the bed and took one of her hands in his and raised it to his lips. 

"My darling daughter, it is time for you to get up and stop this grieving. Tine has not left you. He merely went to see family to petition for help to build your home before the night of the Harvest Festival. I understand your heart is heavy and you feel totally abandoned. However, you mother tells me that it merely a sign of how deep your bond is already. Your mother said it had to do with her heritage and that on your wedding night, you would understand." Her father reached for her and she reluctantly allowed him to pull her up and into a standing position.

"Now your maid is coming to help you bathe and get ready for dinner tonight." As she started to say that she wasn't hungry, her father laid a finger against her lips. "Hush now. Not a word. It is my understanding that a certain young man with bronze hair will be here. So, get up, get cleaned up and Mary will be up here in a few minutes to help you bathe and soothe you red eyes with one of your grandmother's special recipes that you mother has put together. She says it will help your blotchy skin too." Leaning down, he kissed her on her forehead and turned and left the room. 

Later, sitting in the tub, Mira mulled over her emotions over the last three days. The first day hadn't been bad, but she had trouble sleeping that night. The second day, she had little to no appetite. That evening the crying had started. Lying awake and crying. For two days. She had lost enough weight for it to be noticeable. Her hips stuck out as did her ribs and her lack of food had left her somewhat weak. Mary had brought with her a mug of vegetable stock and piece of bread with butter to go with it.

Bathed, fed and getting her hair done. Mary tutted at the site of the hollow of her eyes and cheeks. "It is a good thing that your young man will be here. I'm not sure how much longer you would have lasted. But, of course you father brought you the news of your young man's return." With a final pat on her shoulder, Mary turned Mira to face the mirror. When Mira saw her reflection, she gasped. She looked like someone out of a horror story. Her eyes were sunk in and were encircled with deep bruises from her lack of sleep and the hollows of her cheeks were so sunk in that just for a little bit, you could see the impression of her teeth. Tears began to roll as she saw the results of her grieving. 

"Oh Mira, please don't. You have suffered enough. You should be celebrating. After tonight, you only have three months before your wedding. That's why Your man left to go ask his family for help. He strikes me as a type of man that takes pride in his ability to provide for his family. It is also my understanding that some of his family has come with him. Two of them, as a matter of fact. A clan elder and an uncle with ties to this village somehow." Mary turned and picked up one of the many pots and jars of powders and cosmetics. "Now sit still. We must try to hide your grief from Tine."

Thirty minutes later Mira was amazed at what Mary had done. Gone were the bruised eyes and the hollows of her cheeks were miraculously filled out. "Mary, I don't know what you say. You've worked a miracle."

"Nonsense child. All I've done is bring out your natural beauty. Now, let's get you dressed. You mother had your blue dress cleaned and pressed for you to wear tonight and we have just enough time for me to run a couple of darts in it so that it fits where you have lost weight."

A little bit later, Mary had just finished lacing up her  dress and putting on her shoes, when her mother entered the room.

"My darling, you look fabulous. Mary has worked her usual miracle." Leaning in she kissed her daughter's cheek and thanked Mary. 

"Mary, you can have the rest of the week off. You have fretted over Mira this whole time. Now, it is time for you to rest. You have been a faithful and loving member of this household. So, please take the rest you deserve. You husband is waiting for you at your home." Amethyst hugged Mary as she was leaving the room. 

"Now, young lady, it is time to go and meet Tine. He has brought two guests with him. Your father has them in his office discussing local politics. I'll escort you downstairs because I know you are weak." Mira merely nodded, thankful for her mother's understanding and love. Going down the stairs took some time and when they reached the bottom, Mira was surprised to find herself somewhat shaky and out of breath. "Come Into the drawing room and have some juice. It will feel good to your stomach. The sugar will give you some energy." She was led gently to the the drawing room and seated on a sofa while her mother poured her some juice. "Take your time while I go check with cook to see how long before dinner is ready to be served"

Several minutes and a glass of juice later, Mira felt a prickling on her neck and knew without looking that tine was approaching her. She felt his large hand gently come to rest on her shoulder. She knew the second he realized that she had been so severely affected by his absence.

Tine wasted no time in coming around and taking seat next to her. What he did next caused Mira to release a startled squeal of surprise. Tine reached over and then lifted her and then placed her in his lap and held her close. No thought of resisting because this is where she really wanted to be, scandalous though it was. Mira turned her head and laid her head on his shoulder, When she did, she realized that Tine was a few pounds lighter too. Jerking her head up, she stared into his eyes in surprise.

"Yes love, I know. You are not the only one who has not fared well from our separation. I too have been adversely affected. It is the mate bond. Once we are wed and mated, it will not be so severe. I promise...." Hearing someone clearly their throat loudly, Tine stood with Mira still in his arms to address her father. Next to him on either side was a clutch elder and Raptor, his "uncle.'

Just as Tine opened his mouth to address Mira's father, when a rumbling growl could be heard. Realizing that it was coming from Raptor, Tine followed the direction of his view and realized that he was looking at Mira's mother, Lady Amethyst. When Raptor got himself somewhat under control, he uttered one word, a name, "Amelia...."

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