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The smell of the incense that had been lit in the temple clung to them as the group exited the temple. Mira could smell it lingering in her nostrils. Not that she minded. It was an altogether pleasant smell. Spicy and fragrant with notes of sweetness to keep it from being overpowering with something else to soften the fragrance. At the exit, waiting for them was Raptor and her grandmother. It seems that Mira's original plan was not fulfilled because Adalinda was spending the day with the younger man.

"Good evening Grandmother. Have you come to offer prayers for something?" Mira asked.

"No. I came to meet you two. Tine is to go to my home to get ready for the banquet, while you go to your home to prepare and pack some of your things for tomorrow." Mira nodded. She had been expecting this. Her mother had been helping her pack up much of her things for transport to their new home. Some thing had been in storage and were extremely old. They had belonged to a long forgotten relative, but Mira liked the look of them and so choose them for her home. Many of the items were of a fine oriental porcelain, while others were wrought in a forge. Some of the metal work had such incredible details that it was hard to imagine human hands ahd fashioned it.

Meiying quickly walked to Mira and took her by the arm. "Come. Let us head to your home. It will be the perfect night for a wedding contract banquet. I have heard of them, but never sat at one and I am greatly interested to see how your parents will handle the bride price."

As Meiying finished, Mira was frowning. She had forgotten all about the wedding contract. It was tradition and she supposed her father and Tine had discussed everything and had completed all of the details.

Meiying, interpreting Mira's silence and frown for anger, quickly sought to apologize.

Mira merely waved her off. "No Meiying, I was just thinking. I have spent so much time in Tine's company, I wondered if he ever had time to speak with my father on this matter."

"Oh I am sure they have. I overheard your father telling mine that he was a pretty fair negotiator and that if he needed help when it came to my wedding contract, he would be glad to help." Meiying laughed and said, "Of course, father has to be willing to let me go first. Finding a man is easy. There are many men in our own country who desire me for an entrance to wealth, power and position. But my father know this and has ruled out every one of them. Sadly, no one can step forward to say that they would have me. It also seems that I can be a willful and unruly at times. After all, what man wants a wife he can't control?" Meiying laughed again as if the idea pleased her tremendously.

"Perhaps, at the wedding you will find a man worthy of you and your family." As Mira finished speaking, they entered her home and her mother met her in the hallway to usher her to her room to get bathed and ready. The she guided Meiying out the door to go get ready as well.

 Mira let her mind wonder as she bathed, then toweled dry. The wedding contract was a serious document, not to be signed lightly. It contains the rules of the marriage. The wife shall strive to be the best wife she can be, to comfort her husband when he is not well, to make their house a home, to bear him children to continue to line. But at the same time, the husband had rules as well. As a husband, he was expected to be a provider, a protector, a refuge form her daily troubles. In short, they were to work together as a team. However, Mira had seen times when the contract was voided. The husband would beat the wife, not protect her. Cheat on her, not give her fidelity. She couldn't give him children. She didn't keep their home, she never tended to him in any way. These things would void a wedding contract. Sad that some people actually had to have one. She didn't feel like she and Tine really needed one, but it was expected to be signed at the banquet the night before the wedding, giving both parties time to back out.

Just as Mira was stepping into the red and gold dress that Tine had made for her, Lady Amethyst entered her room. She was carrying a jeweler's box in one hand and a note in the other. Handing Mira the note, she let her read it:

My Love,

In this box is a jewelry set worn by the brides of my family line. My mother was last woman to wear them and it would be an honor to see you wear them tonight. I'm sorry that she could not be here to meet you. I'm sure that she would have loved you with all of her heart.

                                                               All my Love,


Mira quickly grabbed the box from her mother's hand and opened it. The contents caused Mira to gasp and exclaim loudly. The set was unlike anything she had ever set her eyes on. There was a choker necklace, a pair of earrings and a type of chain with jewels for her hair. Each stone seem to contain it's own flame and it could be seen when they were exposed to light. The flame inside the stones shimmered and drew Mira's gaze, almost hypnotizing her. She quickly snapped out of it and and handed it to her mother for assistance. Mira put in the earrings, expecting them to feel heavy and pull on her ears, but they were incredibly lightweight. Then the two women walked over the the mirror and Mira had a seat so that her mother could arrange the chain into her hair. She watched as her mother and Mary, who had sudden;y made an appearance, deftly weaved in into her hair in an intricate looking style that was really quite simple to make getting it off easier. Finally, just before Mira stood, her mother clasped the choker around her throat. Mira gasped when she felt the warmth coming from the choker itself. Almost as if it was filled with dragon fire itself.


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