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Raptor uttered one word, a name, "Amelia..."

Amethyst stopped and looked from Tine and the elder to his uncle. "I'm sorry. I have been told that I look just like her. Amelia was my grandmother"

Amethyst watched, along with Tine as Raptor absorbed this information. Watching the blood drain from his face as he mumbled some excuse and left to go back to the inn.

"What was that all about Tine?" Amethyst asked to anyone in general. 

"I have my suspicions, I'm afraid, but it is not my story to tell. At least, not until I find out for sure. But, I also suspect Lady Amethyst, that you already have some inkling of the answer yourself. However, I am not going to pry." A that moment, Mira could have happily melted through the floor as her stomach growled loudly. As loudly as Raptor had growled earlier.

"Heavens, it seems that someone is hungry. We should probably go in to dinner. I believe Tine that you and Mira are especially hungry."

Amethyst turned and led the way toward the dining room where cook was serving dinner. Amethyst smile to herself. Cook had outdone herself and done the family proud. She had made stuffed and roasted duck with roasted root vegetables, fresh rolls and whipped honey butter, cold cucumber soup to start, and for dessert a beautiful fruit tart. The perfect finish for the heavy meal. Isaac held her chair while she took her place at one end of the table and then went to go to the other end to his seat. No one spoke until the first course of soup was being cleared and Isaac was carving the duck.

Without looking up from carving the duck, Isaac asked Tine a question. "Just where are you planning to build your home, Tine."

Mira could feel the tension, but did not understand it. She knew instinctively that Tine's answer would either ratchet up the tension or ease it. Mira was blown away by his answer.

"Building has begun on the site of the ruins of my ancestral home. Our home should be finished in a little over two months. I wanted Mira to be able to choose certain things in our home and wanted time for them to be shipped here once her choices were made."

Mira looked at the people around the table to gauge their reactions. Her father tensed up even more, while her mother looked like she had just had her worst fears confirmed, and the elder seated next to Tine looked completely relaxed and at ease. To which her mother responded, "So it's true." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, Milady, it is. You knew we would return eventually. After all, you are a Lore Keeper. we have always been here." The older gentleman sitting next to Tine said.

"Momma, I don't understand. What are you and dad so upset about?" Mira asked in confusion. 

"Everything will be explained on our wedding night, Mira, I promise. All you have to do is be ready to pick the colors you want in or bedroom, the guest rooms, dining room and the ballroom.  From tonight until our wedding, we will never be apart for more than a day." Smiling over at Mira, he watched her pulse jump in her throat. He knew he had that effect on her, because she had the exact same effect on him. He enjoyed watching the flush come over her features as her eyes dilated. 

Isaac cleared his throat, and sat down to pass out the roast duck ad vegetables. Everyone seemed to make a concerted effort to have a "normal" dinner, with regular conversation. As the evening wore on, the atmosphere seemed to ease and dinner become less awkward. As the meal wad drawing to a close, a knock sounded on their front door.

"Goodness, who could it possibly be this late in the evening?" Isaac asked to no one in particular as he went to see.

Mira heard voices in coming from the entry way of their home and they were coming closer as her father and the other speaker approached the dining room. As they entered the room, Raptor came to a stand still and looked at her mom with the oddest look in his eye. 

"My lady, I would speak with you after the meal. If I may?" Raptor bowed in a show of respect.

"Of course, you may. My husband will join us, you understand?" 

"I wish also for Tine's uncle to join us. He can perhaps shed more light on our discussion."

Mira watched the old man nod at Raptor. Her mother smiled like some great mystery had just been solved. In truth Mira was more confused than ever. She was missing something, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Hey. Quit that. When you frown, you don't look very happy." Tine gently stroked the bridge of her nose up between her eyebrows. "I will explain everything on....."

"Our wedding night. Yes I know. But some things appear to need clarification sooner, though. But I will wait." Mira  replied. 

After diner, cook came and cleared the table, while her mother and father disappeared into his study with Raptor and Tine's uncle.

"Come, let's go for a walk. It's a nice night and I am not ready to be separated from you again just yet." Tucking her hand onto his forearm, they walked out of the house and left the yard to stroll down the street.

As they walked, Tine asked Mira questions about design and color for their home being built. 

"I would really like something in a dark blue with grey accents in our bedroom. I'm quite sure we will have dark wood furniture and the colors should blend quite well. As for the living areas, I would like them in a lighter blue. Something that is happy and cheerful and welcoming. Our dining room I would like done in a vibrant red with touches of gold and black accented throughout. The art work I will leave to you. I have no taste for such things and am most assuredly going to pick something horribly dreadful. However, in our bedroom, I would like a painting of us on our wedding day. Once it is finished of course. I would like to not be so typical and not have our halls lined with portraits of our ancestors. If you have one of your parents, I would like that and then one of mine." Mira was so tired. She stumbled a bit because the fatigue was weighing her down.  

Easily catching her, Tine said in an apologetic tone, "My love, I am so sorry. You are exhausted and here I demand that you walk with me. In truth, I had two reasons for that. One I really didn't want to be parted from you just yet, and two, so that your parents, Raptor and my uncle can speak freely while we are out of the house. But I see I may have done you a disservice. I'm sorry, my love." Tine swiftly picked her up and carried her back to her house.

Mira wasn't exactly sure when she fell asleep, but the rocking motion of Tine's steps were soothing and not having slept in several days, her exhaustion took control and she slept.

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