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Mira decided that she was going to enjoy being married to Tine. He had been a gentle but passionate lover. He had introduced her to delights that she had never considered, or even knew about. Today marked the third day of their married life, and the reading of the bloodlines would be today. In their home, in the grand gathering area outside of the fortress, but within it's walls.

The Lorekeepers, the Clutch Elders, Tomas the elderly priest who had married them, her parents, the Eastern Emperor and his family. All would be present. As these thoughts chased themselves across her mind, she stretched her body and reached for her husband. Husband. The very word made her smile. Her life had changed so much Tine had come into her life. Now, secrets were about to be revealed.

When she realized that Tine was not in the bed with her, she raised up on her elbows and looked around the room. The bathing room door was closed and she heard movement coming from the other room. Getting up, she grabbed her robe from the bedside chair and put it on, tying it around her waist. Just as she stretched here hand towards the doorknob, the door opened. Out walked the object of her search. Smiling, she reached up to him and wrapped her arms around him at the waist and lay her head on his chest. Listening to the steady beat of his heart, she hugged him. 

She frowned when Tine gently pulled her away from him. "Mira, your life has changed. A great deal. You had already figured out the part of me being a dragon. However, today will reveal long hidden truths about your own bloodline. I say this to warn you. Because some of the things spoken today will definitely shock you. In ways that you have not considered. Please know that I  never wanted to keep these secrets from you. But, that I did so out of preservation. For myself, the Clutch, the Lorekeepers and many others that will be effected. Yourself included."

Mira smiled back at her husband and said, "As long as I am with you, I will be fine. Come, let us get dressed and go downstairs. After breakfast, everyone will be here and gather for the reading.

After getting dressed, the left the room. Tine stopped and smiled down at Mira and reached for her hand. Smiling back up at him, she placed her hand in his and they went down to breakfast.

Tine cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. All gathered stopped talking and turned to see Tine and MIra take their place on the stage that had been set up by workers the day before. On the stage with them was her mother, as head of the Lorkeepers, the Clutch Elder, Tomas, the priest, the Eastern Emperor, and many others. The one person that suprised Mira by his presence was Raptor. Walking over to her, he smiled gently, the first real smile Mira had seen on his face. 

The Clutch Elder stood close to the couple as he unrolled a large scroll that was almost as long and Mira was tall. Not that she was tall, but at 5'3" that was a lot of scroll to read. Mira wished for a chair suddenly, realizing that this would be a very long affair, indeed. Perhaps that was why a table heavily laden with food had been also brought out.

As the Clutch Elder began to read the bloodlines, Mira allowed her mind to drift until she heard a name that she hadn't expected to hear. Raptor. As his bloodline was read Mira couldn't have been more shocked. Beside her, Tine squeezed her hand. She felt warm and strong masculine hands grasp her shoulders and give another reassuring squeeze. She turned to look up at him and opened her mouth. Nothing came out. Then another big shock. Mira heard her mother's name, then hers. Her head turned so swiftly that her neck popped. Looking at Tine, she whispered to him in astonishment, "You knew!" It wasn't a question. 

Nodding, Tine smiled and reminded her of his statement from this morning in their bedroom. Mira felt her eyes grow large as she looked at her parents, grandmother and great grandfather, Raptor. A man that didn't look a day over 40. But yet at the reading, it was revealed that he was over 500 years old and that his bloodline was the oldest in the Clutch. The reason wasn't quite clear, but she knew that Tine would tell her.

Walking up to Tine and Mira, the Clutch Elder asked Tine if it was time. He nodded. The Elder turned and bowed the Eastern Emperor. Shiwen turned and lifted the pillow resting on the table close by them. Carrying the pillow over to Raptor, he nodded and Raptor reached out and lifted the clothe revealing the dragon king's crown from Mira's dream. At her gasp, Raptor turned at placed the crown on Tine's head and bowed to him and stepped away. Next came Mira's mother, Lady Amethyst and Meiying. This time Amethyst was carrying a pillow very similar to the one that  Meiying's father had carried. It was time to crown the new Clutch Queen. The crown was similar to Tine's but contained jewels and was smaller, in order to fit on a lady's head.

All gathered knelt in their presence. With one exception. Raptor bowed at the waist to his great granddaughter and her husband, the new king. He had watched with pride as she had taken everything in stride. She had shown why she was the  perfect choice for queen. She didn't shy away from the uncomfortable, and she knew how to  keep a poker face. She never gave anything away from her expression. Standing to his full height, he smiled and reached out a hand to pull Mira from her chair. Upon standing, Raptor dropped to one knee in front of her and began to speak.

"When I met and fell in love with Amelia, I never dreamed that my bloodline, as old as it was, would lead to the crown. I am so proud of you. You are full of grace and poise and you will only be an asset to your husband, the king. The Clutch is lucky to have you." 

Without realizing what she was doing, Mira reached out and touched her grandfather. She immediately saw his love for her great grandmother, the Clutch making the decision to recall him a not allowing him to bring Amelia, separating them forever. Not realizing that she carried his heir, thus the queen's bloodline.

Tied up in the vision Mira was not aware of the crowd gathered clapping. It wasn't until her husband's dragon roared his approval, that she was pulled to the present. Before turning her attention to her husband, a tear ran down her face and she rushed to embrace Raptor. 

"I'm so sorry. That should never have happened to you. Either of you. I am not sorry that she loved you and was your mate. Because of that love, I was born. "

Turning to Tine, she smiled and said, "Let us go an eat with our people."

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