chapter 38 | fight

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I'm nervous because of what Kai's dad has said to Kai.

I'm also nervous to see what the rest of the night holds for Kai, Laila and I.

We step further inside after what Kai's dad said.

I adjust Laila on my hip and hold her tighter to me as we make our way to the couch to sit down.

I sit down and put Laila on my lap as Kai sits next to me and clutches my hand tightly.

Charlotte comes into the room and sits on the couch opposite to us.

Then Kai's dad comes.

He sits on the chair by the couches.

"So, I see you have lived out to the disappointment I always knew you would be," Kai's dad says as he glares at me.

"Warmest welcome to you Matt," Kai says bitterly.

"Don't get smart with me boy," Matt says as he clenches his fist.

I just roll my eyes at him.

He catches the movement as he turns to look at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me when your just some common whore my son got pregnant and now he is stuck with you," Matt says as he glares at me.

"Don't speak to her like that," Kai says as his nails dig into the palm of his hand.

Laila starts to squirm closer to me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

I put my arms around her and hug her to me.

"Am I wrong? You fuck anything that move as I've heard. Who's to say she isn't the only one you got pregnant," Matt says.

"I don't do that anymore and I stopped a little over a year ago. I didn't get Aulora pregnant," he says and his dad stares at him.

"You mean to tell me you are trying to be a hero so you date someone who already has a kid. Are your stupid? It's not even your fucking baby," he asks Kai and Kai glares at him.

"She is my baby," Kai says dismissively and it warms my heart.

"No she's not. Does she even know who the father of her baby is?," Matt says as he stands up.

"She's probably a fucking whore who spreads her legs for anyone and doesn't even know the father of her child. She couldn't even wait til she wasn't a teenager to have kids," Matt continues.

Kai just stares at him as his eyes are filled with rage.

"I need to go get some water," Kai says and walks out of the room.

I look to Charlotte and see her giving me a sympathetic look.

"You won't even defend yourself," he says as he stares at me.

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