Chapter 9: Headaches Are The Worst

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Hey everyone!!!! How are you all doing????

I'm doing great. Thanks for asking :)

Okay, so I have a lab test coming up, so I will not be updating until Thursday. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it lol.

And guess who has another story coming!!! Me!!!

If you want, I can put the summary in the next chapter of this book, the update book, and kyle's revenge...But you got to comment here!!!

And guess who is seeing the longest ride!!! Me!!!

I'm so excited. The cowboy is soooo hot lol.

This chapter might be really bad lol. I have a giant headache from 2 days ago, and it hasn't left. Plus it got bigger and it hurts a lot more.

Sooo....sorry again for the shitty chapter.

And I have a very important question. Can anyone edit a picture??? If so, please email me. My wattpad email address is on my profile. Thank you!



"Are you mad at me?" I asked my dad as I sat down on a chair in Roman's office.

My dad looked at me and smiled. "Of course not. I just want to ask you some questions."

I nodded as he and my mom sat on the couch across from me.

"So when you said you blacked out, what exactly happened?" My mom asked.

I tried to remember, but I got a huge headache.

I cringed and quickly grabbed my head.

"Bell sweetie." My mom said worried as she ran over to me and knelt down in front of me. "What's wrong?"

"My head." I gritted out and I quickly shut my eyes.

"Roman. Call the doctor. She shouldn't be having headaches like this." My mom said worried.

"Will do." Roman said as he and Payton walked out of the room.

It finally went away and I slowly sat back up.

"Okay. I'm good." I said taking a deep breath. "Okay. So I remember sitting in my room and I heard you whimper."

My dad flinched as he recalled the memory.

"Okay. Then what happened?" My mom asked.

"Umm." I said closing my eyes as I thought back. "I jumped out the window and started to run towards you. That's when I felt something click inside of me and I blacked out. Then when I woke up again, I was standing in front of the fight."

"What do you mean click?" My dad asked.

I shrugged. "It felt kind of like a spark almost. I have no idea. Rojo got really mad. I could feel it. She kept whimpering and calling for her mom. Who's her mom?"

"I don't know." My mom said looking at me.

"Couldn't it be Red?" Jagger asked. "I mean you are Belle's mom. Couldn't Red be Rojo's mom?"

My mom and I looked at each other for a moment before she looked at Jagger.

"I don't know. It could be possible. But supernatural spirits don't have parents. Wolf spirits don't, demon spirits don't. I didn't think fox spirits would." My mom said sitting back to next to dad.

"The doc will be here in a second." Roman said as him and Payton came back into the room.

"That's good." My dad said with a small smile.

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