Chapter 26: The Special Power Is Unlocked

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How is everyone doing on this fine evening????

Guess who is going on a blind date with a 6'6" farmer/wrestler.


My friend and who boyfriend set it up and the boyfriend is friends with this tall farmer, so I don't think he's a serial killer. But with the state I'm in, I'm taking my knife with me just in case XD

But I'm really excited and also nervous. Ugh. Oh my gosh.

And I also put The Fox and The Wolf into the Watty's 2015 Awards. So please vote!

Welp. I don't really have anything to say for once lol. So, let's get on with the chapter!!



"Focus." Daxton said sternly as he helped me up.

I glared at him and snatched my hand out of his grasp.

'This is so stupid.' I thought to myself.

"Again." He said giving me a pointed look.

I faced him and took my stance.

I spread my legs out a little more and held my hands up by my face.

I watched as he slightly leaned to the right and I smirked.

He's gonna push off his right foot and come at me.

I readied myself and watched him lung for me.

Right as he was about to tackle me, I moved to the left and pushed his back.

But I wasn't expecting him to get back up so quickly and take my feet out from underneath me.

I groaned as I landed in the dirt and rolled onto my back.

"Isabelle." Daxton sighed.

"I'm done for today." I growled as I stood up.

Daxton looked shocked. "No you aren't. We still have an hour."

I shook my head and dusted my clothes off. "No. You have an hour. I'm done."

I turned and started to walk away, ignoring his yelling.

Fuck this shit.

'Calm down.' Rojo said.

'I can't. He knows I'm not up to his level yet. He's been training way longer and harder than I have.' I said growling at no one. 'He keeps pushing me and it's hard to keep up with him. I just need to clear my head and take some time.'

'Vincent is getting mad. I can feel it.' Rojo said worried.

'Tell him to suck a dick and deal with it.' I said blocking everyone out.

I felt a push at the back of my head and rolled my eyes.


I kept my wall up so no one would talk to me and ran into the forest.

"Damn. I wish I was at my secret spot at my old land." I sighed as I stepped over a fallen log.

'What spot?' Rojo asked.

'The one my mom had when her and aunt Lilly were younger.' I said as I found a tiny meadow.

'Ohh. Ya I miss that one too.' Rojo said.

I smiled as I saw a tiny stream.

I ran over to the stream and sat down on my knees as I watched the fish swim back and forth.

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