Chapter 20: Late Night Visit And The Missing Teacher

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How is everyone doing???

Okay. My teeth her so bad. My wisdom teeth are trying to push through, and they are pushing all my teeth really close together. Like I can barely floss anymore. The floss barely fits between my teeth now :( and my mouth really hurts lol.

OH MY GOSH. I didn't tell you guys. ex texted me the other morning at 8. Ya...I was not a happy camper lol.

But anywhore, I didn't know who it was at first because I deleted his number. And he was like why do you want me to delete your number. And I texted him back asking who this was. And he told and I was like shit. I can't not text him. I already asked him a question, it would be really obvious if I didn't answer.

But I told him why and he started yelling at me. Like cussing. That type of yelling.

And I was like damn dude. Calm your tits. But that made him even more mad. Sooooo probably not my best idea. But in my defense, it was 8 in the morning. I wasn't functioning right.

But he tried telling me that he didn't start the bet and that he would never do that to me because of all this shit. And I told him ya whatever and I stopped texting him :) So that morning went well haha.

And these cramps are killing me! Ugh...

(Sorry boys. Girl talk lol)

My training starts tomorrow for my job. And I am so nervous.

Sooo. Please pray for me. I'm gonna need it.

Okay. On wit da storay!



I groaned as I heard my phone go off.

I slowly opened my eye and saw my phone buzzing on the night stand next to the bed.

I went to go reach it, but I was stopped.

Daxton let out a small snore next to me, and pulled me closer to him.

Ugh. Of course.

'Look how cute he is when he's sleeping.' Rojo gushed.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and looked at Daxton.

Okay. I admit. He is really cute when he sleeps.

My ringing phone brought me out thoughts and I slowly removed Daxton's arm from my waist.

Right as I grabbed my phone, Daxton's arm shot out and pulled me back into him.

I growled as I saw the clock on the nightstand.

It read 3:05 AM in bright red colors.

I looked down at my phone and made a small smile as I saw 'Big Bro Ro-Ro' flash across the screen.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Izzy?" Roman asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried. "You sound like you've been crying."

"I just miss you. That's all." He said shyly.

I let out a small chuckle.

I grabbed my pillow and put it between me and Daxton.

Come on Daxton. Grab the freaking pillow.

I did a mental happy dance as he grabbed the pillow quickly and sniffed it.

He made a full blown smile in his sleep and turned over with my pillow.

All I know is that I better get that pillow back.

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