You get sick

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ShinobuxGiyu. You knew you didn't feel good but your parents didn't. So you decided to let out a ear shattering cry, Both Giyu and Shinobu ran to their daughters room with their blades. When they got there both saw that you where safe. Shinobu walked over to you and she felt your forehead.

Shinobu. Aww my poor baby has a fever.

Your mother picked you up walked to her office to grab some cough medicine, Giyu when to get you something to drink to wash down the nasty taste of the medicine. After that Giyu and Shinobu let you sleep with them.

MitsurixObanai. Kaburamaru knew right away that you where sick. So he went over to you dad and curled himself hard around his hand.


He curled himself and lead Obanai to you, He picked you and as soon as he did you puked all over him. Then you smiled at him and puked again. He took you to Shinobu and she said you have a stomach bug and you should be fine in a few days but make sure to have you drink water to keep hydrated.

Tengen. You had been in bed with a fever all day and  Karrigan has been taking care of you because he out on another mission. When he got home Karrigan gave him a list on how to care for you when sick. And Tengen would say he did a amazing job.    Karrigan had to give him a few pointers but he did you a good job.

Sanemi.  Head was the oldest of his siblings. So he knew what do when you started to puke. Karrigan found out and came over to help take care of you, You where glad that Karrigan was over to help and you hoped it would bring you dad to  confess his feelings for you. Even thought Karrigan is in recovery from her own life long sickness she let you sleep on her chest as a way to help you sleep. Sanemi could feel his heart go crazy in his chest when he looks at this sight. 

Kyojuro.  He was a pro at this having taken care of Senjuro when he was sick. He got water to keep you hydrated, a comfy pillow to rest on, And cuddles for days. Karrigan brought some dragon fruit tea for your dad to drink while you sleep.

Gyomei. He asked Shinobu for help when you got sick. Shinobu gave him some medicine to take and told him to keep you hydrated. Karigan came around to help for a bit before she was sent of on a mission.        

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