Chapter Thirty-Five: Fake Love

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I simply couldn't name this chapter Fake Love without posting this song lmfao. 


<3 <3 <3

Lucius La Notte's expression froze up like a loading screen.

Sighing, I put a big fat 'X' on my clipboard with a muttered, "This is worse than I thought."

Lucius continued to stare down at me, any trace of his foul mood replaced with that dumb, confused expression. The color of his skin had even lost a tint of its normal tan.

"How are you supposed to convince your family that we're together, if you can't even hear 'I love you,' without looking like someone kicked your gonads into your stomach?"

Lucius audibly exhaled. "Damnit, Korinna. I thought you were serious."

I have him a long, dry look. "I'm so happy to hear the idea of me saying I love you terrifies you."

Lucius arched a dark brow. "What the hell is happening right now?"

"You're failing. That's what's happening." I pointed to the bed. "Might as well get comfortable for your exam."

Still extraordinarily confused, Lucius slowly lowered himself to my mattress and scooted back, lounging against my pillows. His one hand grabbed my stuffed duck to put it behind his neck, and his other hand rested on his thigh.

"Have you ever told a girl you loved her?" I asked, priming my pen to write on the clipboard.

Lucius flicked his eyes between my face and the clipboard, crackling his gum between his teeth tensely. "This for your psych test?"
"Just answer the question, Lucius."

"I'm twenty-eight. Of course."

Seemed like twenty-eight implied he had many women fawning over him. "Did you mean it?"

He laughed humorlessly, picking at a piece of lint on his sweatpants. "Absolutely not."

"Why don't you want a real relationship?"

He yawned. "What exactly is the point of this?"
"Is it because you're afraid of commitment?"

I could tell he was getting annoyed since he took his sweet ass time answering. "I'm not afraid of anything, bambina."

"You're afraid of your father," I noted. The words slipped out before I could stop them, and I couldn't look up from my clipboard all of the sudden. "He made you feel ashamed of having feelings."

I thought about the story he'd told me about his father hitting him as a child. He'd been crying over his parents fighting and his mother leaving the house, and his father snapped at him for being sensitive.

"I'm not afraid of my father. I respect him."

"If you respected him, you wouldn't be faking a relationship this weekend."

Lucius sat up a little straighter on the bed, his hands folded in his lap, and I felt I'd taken my boldness a little too far. "Since you're so curious, Dr. Romano, I'll tell you exactly why I don't want a relationship." His tone sharpened with each word. "Because I don't want one. I am content being single. I just want to fuck and not have any drama."

"By 'drama' you're referring to is emotional commitment."

Lucius released a low sardonic chuckle. "Sure. Whatever humanizes me in your mind."

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