Chapter Forty-One: Tempted by Him

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Attached to the key at the bottom of the bottle were instructions to dining hall 2C.

Bottle in hand, I searched around the second floor of the event place for dining hall 2C. I flicked on the lights in the empty event room and hurried to the nearest vent, looking for one with two missing screws. It was the one to the right of the room, where the two little metal screws were perfectly placed beside each other on the floor.

I took a small screwdriver out of my purse and undid the last two vent screws. Then I set the vent grate onto the floor and reached inside for the thigh holster and my gun. I put the vent back together and stood, picking my heel up onto a chair to strap on the holster and tightened it, before sliding the gun inside.

Picking my dress up, I looped the belt of the holster around my hips and tightened that as well, before adjusting my dress. The dress was flowy enough at the waist to hide the bulge, but I clearly hadn't had my head on straight because it wasn't the best number to hide it. I had to be careful.

I flicked the lights off on my way out and hurried down the way I came, when I saw Lucius personnel walking the hall. It was Giuseppe and one of Lucius' other buddies that had been at our table. The one that had the physique of a boulder and spoke in grunts. Niccolò.

"If I light this now, the fire alarm goes off, and we get the fuck out of here," Giuseppe said, a cigar pinched between his fingers. "Dare me."

Niccolò just grunted, and Guiseppe laughed darkly. "You're no fun, man. And I'm not drunk enough to get through this boring ass party."

I held my breath as they passed by. Once the coast was clear, I hurried through the hall, deciding not to go the way Lucius' personal had come from. I reached an unexpected hallway with windows on either side and realized it overlooked the main venue area, where the La Notte guests were below.

From a distance, the room of strangers, of criminals, didn't feel so intimidating. My eyes sought a familiar face in the crowd. At our circular dinner table, only Lucius' mother and his sister Carmine were sitting together. His father was shaking someone's hand, a rugged grin on his tanned face that reminded me so much of Lucius. He had his father's smile, his eyes, and now, I realized, his easy charm. As Lazzaro walked the room, working every table, appearing to know everyone by name, it sunk in just how well-connected this family was, and how much I was risking tonight.

Marcos Cafaro's brother would be here tonight. An unexpected invitation, I was certain, as the La Notte's didn't want the Romano's to know of the affiliation they'd maintained with our rivals. We expected the La Notte's had made some sort of promise to the Cafaro's to keep them quiet about it. And that the La Notte's would double-across us if it came down to one family or the other. My father suspected they were even involved in the raid of our old home that terrorized me and my sister. Uprooted our entire lives.

My father's business may have been small, but it was mighty, and we had persons on the inside to confirm the La Notte's were using a temporary familial connection for inside information. Information about Leone La Notte's death. Either that, or they already suspected my father was responsible for their late son's tragedy. It was only a matter of time before we got the answer. Before I got the answer.

The Romano's would get the help we needed from the La Notte's to get the Cafaro's off our backs, one way or the other. Even if we had to pin them down and force their hand. And yes, I was in the perfect position to change the trajectory of this war from the inside. I was the daughter who never wanted this life and supposedly wanted nothing to do with my father's business. And Lucius La Notte, despite taking his brother's place as La Mano del Devialo, had yet to lay a single hand on me.

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