Chapter Thirty Nine: Molto Bello

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CIAO!!!! (Insert hello in your preferred language!)


YOU GUYS. I'm sorry if this chapter is a little bit dialogue heavy. When I say I have been BURIED alive in edits for Death is My BFF (which I am so excited about and posting the cover for this Friday Feb 17th!!!) But I wanted to make time to get something done for you guys for Valentine's Day!


After the debacle between Lucius, Guiseppe, and Carmine, Lucius stormed into the room next-door in the living room. He picked up a decorative pillow and slammed his fist into, pummeling it into the couch.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No." He roughly pulled out a chair by the window in front of checker's table and sat down, leaning his elbow on the mental.

I sat across from him at the small table. "You wanna' play a game of checkers?"


I moved my first piece.

He just stared at it.

"You might as well play with me." When he just stared at the board with that dead expression, I added, "I'm bored."

Lucius messed up his chips with his hand, startling me. I watched him stand up and prowl to the liquor bar. He poured some scotch into a glass and drank it down like it was nothing. When he downed his third shot in record time, I got up and pushed his glass down onto the table before he could down another.

"You'll be plastered by dinner time."

"I can hold my liquor."

I held his glass firmly on the table. "You're acting like a child."

He stepped into me, looming like a menacing tower, and made a point to cage me against the bar with his body. "Back off, Korinna."

"Or what?" I asked, baiting his threatful tone. "Are you going to hit me?"
His jaw tightened, and he let go of the glass. "Never."

"Why don't you tell me what happened?"

"Why? It's not like you give a fuck, and it's none of your business."

"Do you really think I would be wasting my time asking you if I didn't care? Besides, your mood will affect my whole night tonight. I'm stuck with your grumpy ass at this dinner party."

Lucius didn't say anything, but at least he didn't storm away.

"What are you going to do about G?"

"Nothing. He'll be there tonight. I'm just going to smash his head in if he looks at me the wrong fucking way."

"I didn't like the way he talked about my sister at my house. You were there, you heard him."

"Did he apologize?"

"Hell no. He proceeded to piss me off even further."
"I thought Giuseppe is your best friend. Aren't you used to him talking shit like he did?"
"Sure, but he's getting too comfortable around me." Lucius evaded eye contact, like this was the last conversation he wanted to have. "This isn't really about trust. It's about respect. And I demand respect from all my employees."

"I understand. He definitely didn't hold back his opinion about her. Neither did she, though."

"He should know better. He's family, but he's also my employee."

"Are you worried he's going to hurt her?"

Lucius clenched his jaw and shook his head once. "Him and I are many things, but we're not lowlife scumbags. Plus, he knows if he ever touched my sister, it'd be the last thing he'd ever fucking do. Can I have my drink now?"

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