Chapter 2: Indigo

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Pulling up to the restaurant I can sense something is off with my parents, I don't know what it is but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. We are greeted by a member of staff and led outdoors and onto a balcony that overlooks the sea, nobody else is outside. Typical. I bet the kings rented out the whole balcony.

"As per the request of Mr King nobody else shall be seated out here whilst you dine" the waiter says in a very British accent. Dine? Who the fuck says that anymore. I pick up the menu and scan through the items of food. The sound of the glass doors sliding brings my attention up to where the king family are arriving.

First through the door is Ollie, he's 12 and plays pranks on everyone, he's an annoying little shit but I love him. Next is Alessia and Charles who are flanked by their oldest son Hunter, he's the sweetest man ever, you wouldn't think he's my brothers second in command. Hunt decided that he didn't want the responsibility of his fathers mafia and instead chose to work alongside his best friend, who, you guessed it, is Enzo. Last to arrive is Greyson. Since his brother didn't want the mafia Greyson is set to take over from his dad as the don of the American mafia in 8 months time. The cocky stronzo walks past the girl holding the door for him and winks at her, she blushes and hurries back inside.

Someone give me a fucking bucket so I can vomit at how disgusting and annoying he is. He's wearing a pair of sweatpants and a Gucci hoodie- it's fine asshole just come in your pajamas. Did I mention how hot he is. It's a shame he has to be such a butt because his messy brown hair and tattooed muscles would do wonders for a guy with a nice personality which he lacks.

The only place left is the one next to me and I narrow my eyes at Alessia who could have sat next to me but chose to sit opposite me instead , she does this shit on purpose. She simply smirks back at me her blood red lips curving upwards, she finds our bickering amusing, in fact all of them do.

After greeting each other we settle down and everyone begins to order starting with Oakley which takes a while because he keeps arguing with the waiter about the fact that he isn't allowed the minion themed pancakes because there only for customers under the age of 14. When it's Ollie's tun to order he smiles innocently up at the waiter and asks for the minion pancakes, everyone on this table knows that Oliver absolutely hates pancakes. "Why you little fuck face I'll have you kno-" Oakley begins but stops when our mum shoots him an icy glare. "solo perché è il fottuto più giovane" he mumbles under his breath earning a nudge from Lorenzo while Ollie smirks at him from across the table and Oakley mouths something back about suffocating him with a pillow while he sleeps, how lovely.
(Just because he's the fucking youngest)

I fiddle with my hands as I wait for it to be my turn to order. "And for you miss" the server says, turning and looking at me expectedly. I look up to Greyson and point to the Belgium waffle and orange juice.

He always orders for me

"She'll have the Belgium waffle and orange juice please" he says with confidence I wish that I could have. I really don't understand myself, I'll happily murder and torture men twice my size and enjoy it but I can't order from a restaurant.

Everyone else says there order and happy chatter surrounds the table as people break off into separate conversations. "Still can't order for yourself blue" that fucking nickname, he started calling me it when his dumbass realized that indigo is a shade of blue and he hasn't stopped calling me it since, since being when we were 13. "Still can't pick a decent aftershave grey" I retort, calling him grey after the color which he hates just as much as I hate being called blue

I'm lying about the aftershave though he smells really good. I'd never say that though, complimenting him would be detrimental to my mental health and he doesn't need a bigger ego boost and if I ever did compliment him I'd have to unalive myself, the most effective way to do that would be jumping from his ego down to his IQ and I mean way down.

"Bitch" he says

"Asshole" I reply

"Didn't take long" Elliot speaks up from the other side of me referring to the fact that we are already arguing

"Hand it over" my mum says to alessia who frowns at us and pulls a couple hundred bills out of her unassuming husband's pocket and gives it to my mum.

"I really thought they could last longer than 10 minutes" Allie sighs

" clock says otherwise Allie" my mum says pulling out her phone and showing the screen that's on the timer app, it reads 8 minutes 47 seconds. When the fuck-? They can't go any lower than this.

My thoughts are put on hold as my dad clears his throat and shifts in his seat "alright guys we've got an announcement to make."  He says loudly, everyone turns to him, it's rare that my dad is ever serious around family and he looks pretty serious right now.

"As you all know, the kings and the knightly's were never particularly good friends, so you must have wondered at some point as to why they helped us find indi all those years ago-"

"Not really, but now you mention it-" Matteo ponders, interrupting dad, he shuts up though when dad sends him a pointed look.

"Anyway, we made an agreement that in order for their help we would give them something in return to reward them for their kindness" he finishes and my mum continues " to end the constant arguing between our mafias, the deal was made that when they came of age, if indigo where ever to be found..." my mum stops as if she's unable to say what she wants,  and looks at Charles King who speaks for her "her and  our second son would be married" he finishes

My breath stops short and I feel Greyson go rigid beside me, I jinxed it they just went lower a lot Fucking lower.


shit just got real, poor indi :(

What do we think of Greyson? 

I feel bad for Oakley not being allowed those pancakes, also I don't know what to shorten Oakley to, any ideas?

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