Chapter 62: greyson

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I walk into the house and go straight to the kitchen to wash the blood of my hands from the mission I've just been on. Once there clean I go upstairs, I check my watch and see that it's already 2am, indigo will be asleep by now.

I turn 19 in 2 months and we're getting married in 3. Im not sure the reality of it's kicked in yet but I'm sure I'll know when it does for indigo. I cringe at the thought and open our bedroom door, I take off my watch and set it on the draws before going into the bathroom and having a quick shower.

I change into a pair of sweats but as I'm responding to an email before I go to bed I hear rustling in the sheets. I look over to indi and in the moonlight I see her brows are creased and she's tossing in her sleep restlessly. I shake ,y head thinking she's just dreaming but I nearly jump out my fucking skin when the first scream rips from her throat and breaks the silence. I drop my phone and rush over to her as she continues to whimper.

I place my hand on her shoulder and say her name gently as yet another scream resounds around the room, it hurts to see her like this and not being able to help, it really fucking hurts. I shake her slightly and with one final nudge her eyes snap open and she begins to scratch at herself like that time in the shower.

"I-I can't get h-him of g-grey get him off!" She says pleadingly and I want to take all her pain away myself but all I can do is restrain both her hands in one of mine and watch as she squirms and whimpers with tears running down her face and her breathing erratic.

With a gentle movement I lift my hand to her face and cup her cheek slightly, she flinches away and scrambles to the other side of the bed. Rejection and guilt wrap around my heart like a vice and I slowly bring my hand down.

"I-I'm not....h-he's here, don't touch m-me" she whispers in a hoarse voice and I stand slowly from my knees and lift my hands so there each side of me, palms facing her.

"Indigo it's me....grey, don't be frightened sweetheart I promise I won't touch you" I reassure her and move around to her side of the bed where she's moved and wrapped her arms around herself. Her skin is raw from her scratching at it and she's trembling ever so slightly.

"N-no!" She exclaims when I reach her and I step back and lower myself to the floor ever so slowly.

"Im going to sit just here ok?" She nods and eyes me with caution as I sit on the floor for the first time since I was a child.

The silence hangs in the air filled with her ragged breaths that are slowly reducing to quiet sobs. She looks over to me with tired eyes and I smile softly at her.

"Can....can I hug you?" she's asking me? I nod and get up, walking towards her as she moves to the side but I have other ideas. I pick her up and she laughs quietly and wraps herself around me.


"Don't fucking say that shit indigo" I warn her and she nestles her head into my shoulder as I lay down on the bed with her on top of me and pull the covers over us. She traces the tattoos on my chest and kisses the tattoo of her name.

"Thank you grey....for saving me in every way" she whispers and yawns. I kiss her head and she closes her eyes.

"Go to sleep baby" I say and she does.


I jolt awake when I hear a crash from downstairs, I slowly get indigo off me and grab my gun from the side. Leaving the room I go to where I heard the crash and when I see what or who caused it I roll my eyes and tuck my gun back in the waistband of my sweats.

"What the fuck Oakley" I say and he smiles sheepishly at me waves from the bottom of the stairs, he's got a duvet around him and considering the stairs are a long way down and marble I'm surprised he hasn't broken a bone.

"I was trying to fly" he says with confidence and nods his head, shouting slightly so I can hear him, I lift my arms exasperated and sigh.

"Why?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Amelia said that if I got off the ground she'd give me 20 dollars"

"You're a millionaire you fucking idiot" he smiles and I turn around when I hear the small pitter patter of bare feet against the floor. Soph is approaching me wrapped in a small blanket with a very determined face and that fucking unicorn.

I grab the back of her fluffy onesie and pick her up.

"No way little one" I say to her and she pulls a face of frustration and kicks her leg at me. I grab her foot and she immediately giggles. I chuck her up on my shoulders and she puts the blanket around me.

" just 'case you get cold uncle grey" she tells me and pats my head. I nod and reach Oakley at the bottom of the steps who has since got up and made his way to the kitchen where he's making a cup of coffee.

We sit at the island and have breakfast as soph tells me about her new coloring book and pens in a way that makes it somehow interesting to listen to.

A pair of arms wrap around my lower waist and I see indigo behind me resting her head on my back and closing her eyes sleepily. I smile at her and look back to soph who's still rambling on about the butterfly she's excited to color.

Oaks and Amelia are talking and Enzo and hunter Are packing their things. Their moving out today and into a new house only a few minutes away. They've been dating almost a year now and obviously that's not counting the secret part of it because fuck knows how long that went on for.

When Soph gets down from the island to get ready for school I respond to some emails on my phone and get up to get ready to go to the office when indigos head nearly hits the counter. This girls fallen asleep standing up because she's so tired.

I pick her up and take her into her room and place her on the bed, she grabs her disgusting stuffy thing and holds it to her as I get ready for work. I walk over and give her a kiss that she smiles sleepily at and leave for work.

Time to kill someone.


Greys birthday next!

Love y'all!

Happy reading!

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