Chapter 58: Greyson

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I wake up with indi in my arms.....naked. Memories of last night rush back to me and I smile. She stirs in my arms and I look down to her sleeping face.

The woman I love, the woman I'd do anything for.

I slowly get out the bad and pull on some boxers and sweats, i chuck a jumper over my head because it's cold and grimace at the stuffy she has that lays on the pillow next to her.

She looks gorgeous wrapped in the covers, her long smooth legs tangled in the sheet, begging to wrap around my waist again.

I head out the room and down stairs where Ollie is at the counter and Matt and Elliot mope around hung over from last night, Enzo and hunter went back to my parents house with them but they'll probably be over later.

"Morning mr romantic" Sophia teases as she walks behind ma and gives me a hug. I love my mum but Sophia's always been like a second mother to me. I chuckle and soph bounds into the room with oaks following closely behind.

"At least someone's happy" Vincenzo mutters and grunts when soph jumps into his arms and squeals. Matt and Elliot groan and bash heads. They then hit each other but end up hitting Ollie who whacks them both and turn them so they walk into the wall while I watch mav walk in and asses the situation with an amused face.

Soph appears in front of me out of nowhere and holds up some weird fabric. When I pick her up she places a tiara on my head and then proceeds to do the same with Mav, Oaks, Matt, elliot and Vince who all look at her confused as she sings to herself quietly.

The worrying thing is these are all real diamond encrusted tiaras that Vince brought her on her birthday so she could feel like a real princess.

She stands in the middle and chucks around the puppy dog eyes for a a minute before pouting and saying my worst nightmare.

"Tea party time"


Indigos POV

I get out the bed slowly and carefully, there's a pain in between my legs which is odd considering I'm not a virgin but grey made me feel things I've never even felt before. In a really really good way.

I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, I open the bedroom door and Am and Bea are both standing outside looking at me expectantly. I spill everything to them and they jump around and hug me.

"He sounds like a freak in the sheets"Bea comments and Am and I laugh at her terminology.

We go downstairs and my mum walks up to us.

"If you want to still be attracted to your men I wouldn't go in there" she warns and sighs. I enter the kitchen wearily and actually shit myself laughing. I grab my phone and snap a picture of the best thing I've ever seen.

A purple plastic table sits in the middle of the room with very small chairs around it which my brothers, fiancée and friend have all managed to squeeze into. Mav and grey both have tutus on and Matt is holding out a teacup for a 'refill'.

Soap wonders around in a glittery princess dress that grey got her $20,000 worth of silk and glitter.

"Princess Sophie?" Mav asks and Bea is beside herself laughing at this point.

"Yes duke mav" she replies and oaks scoffs

"How come he gets to be a duke and I'm a peasant" he complains and soph chucks a teacup at him

"Hush peasant" grey says and looks at oaks amused who does not return the same entertained face as my fiancée.

"Because I said so" soph answers Oakleys question and he huffs.

"Whatever" he says and soph points to him and takes a dramatic deep breath.

"Off with his head!" What the actual fuck.

"Woah little miss that's a bit aggressive" Elliot tells her and she blushes shyly at being told off.

"Sorry" she apologizes and goes over to grey and sits in his lap, she buries her face in his shoulder and her shoulder shake. Grey cocks his gun at Elliot and raises his eyebrows at him.

"You made her cry asshole" he says and places soph in Mavs lap. Mav looks incredibly panicked but calms down when soph wraps her small arms around his neck and sobs into his chest. He strokes her hair and her sniffles reduce to nothing as she stops her sobs.

"10 dollars says she wasn't even crying" Am says from next to me and I nod and smile. Soph knows how to manipulate the men in this family, in fact I'd go as far as to say she's got it down to a fine art now.

Grey whispers something In to Elliot's ear and Elliot gets up and walks to Sophie who lifts her head from Mavs chest and crosses her arms with an angry pout.

"Sorry your royal highness" Elliot fucking bows and I cry from laughter, these Fucking idiots are something else.

"Ok I accept your apology" Soph tells Elliot who nods and goes back to his little purple seat.

"Mr unicorn and I have decided that I want a husband" all the boys shoot up and Matt's chair gets stuck to his ass. This is all too funny.

A echo of protest tear around the room and soph holds up her hand. They all go quiet and she smiles.

"I want mr unicorn to be my husband" she says and they all sigh in relief.she sits next to the massive toy and grins.

"You're all invited to the wedding apart from you daddy" she says and oaks looks at her and pretends to cry.

She panics and rushes over to him and holds his face in her hands.

"Ok you can come daddy" she reassured him and he smiles and hugs her.

I sigh as I look at the grown men take tea with a 4 year old and smile.

The calm before the storm.



Love y'all

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