Chapter 6: Indigo

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It's now the afternoon and I'm currently sat in my dads office with him waiting for Greyson and Charles to arrive, apparently we need to make a plan. Here's a good plan, you can find the piece of paper that you signed and shove it up your ass- "morning indi, morning Vince" Charles' voice enters the room and I snap out of my thoughts.

Greyson is wearing a black shirt with slacks, the first few buttons on his shirt aren't done up so I can see his tattoos that cover some of his chest and the golden chain that hangs on his neck. His hairs in its usual messy do that he manages to pull of while still looking smart and he has a few rings on his fingers but one catches my attention, it's a thick ,plain gold band but on the front it's got his name, but it's not his full name it's the name I call him which always pisses him off. In thin but big capitals is the word grey.

"Done staring" he says with a smirk.

"I'm not staring at you, I'm staring at the stain on your shirt" I reply, there's no stain but it's entertaining watching him furrow his brows and quickly look at his shirt scanning it for something that's not there.

"There's nothing there and at least I'm not wearing my pajamas" I look down at my clothes, he's right, I'm still wearing one of Enzo's hoodies and a pair of blue and white plaid pants. I couldn't give a fuck though, why would I dress up when I don't even want to be here.

"I'm wearing my pajamas because I have no need to dress up for the likes of you, can't say the same for yourself though can you, fan behavior if you ask me" I say to him

"Ive come from a meeting, don't flatter yourself" I roll my eyes at him and turn to our fathers who are looking at us in amusement.

"Well now you two have finished bickering, let's get started with making plans for the future" I nod but I'm not listening, i left some pasta in the fridge last night that was leftover from my take away and on the way to the office I swear I saw Oakley eating it,I'm going to fucking kill him if I get there tonight and it's gone. I even put in the extra effort to write DON'T TOUCH on the container.

"What do you guys think?" Huh?

"I think that Oakley is eating my pasta that I specifically wrote on-" my dad sighs and turns to Greyson

"What about you son?" Grey looks up from his phone that he has hidden under the table and nods over to me

"What indigo said"

"mio dio non c'è speranza" my dad says, leaning back in his chair and massaging his temples.
(My god there's no hope)

"Right you two, Listen up" Charles demands and we both look at him "I know you don't want this but we need to arrange things because no matter how much you hate it it's still going to happen, so with that being said how would you feel about a wedding next year in winter"

"Why next year, I thought it was supposed to happen in the next few weeks, not that I'm complaining" I ask, I don't give a flying fuck when this wedding happens or how many flowers there are going to be or what fucking dress I wear but I do care about how much more freedom I have from the dick head sat beside me before we say I do.

"We thought it would be better if you were older, you'll both be 19 next year in winter and the time gap means that we can organize this properly, you two will live together in the kings estate or our estate for the next year so you can get used to each other's company and so that you're supervised and don't kill one another, we can announce the engagement and you two will turn up to the mafia ball as part of the king family only, that means indigo , that you two have to enter together, and enter together as in side by side not like this year. You are engaged to one another, Sofia has the rings, go to her after we're done here. From now on you don't sleep with other people, and you will introduce each other as fiancée and not how you introduced each other at the dinner parties we attended last year. Am I clear?" Fucking hell, I don't think my dad breathed during that.

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