Chapter 40: indigo

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"INDIGO!" I'm stood right behind him and he's shouting at the top of his lungs for me.

"GREYSON" grey jumps and turns around to look at me. I remove my hands from where there covering my ears and walk up to him.

"What the fuck indi, I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes"

"You called me twice" I reply and he scrunches his nose at me and flicks my forehead.

"So what is it?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear, I should've tied it up it's really pissing me off.

"I can't remember" for fucks sake.

"Alright then Dory I'll be downstairs, don't forget Sophie's coming over in a bit" I remind him and once again tuck my hair behind my ear. He rolls his eyes at me and pulls a hair tie from his wrist. I turn around and he gathers my hair.

"Where did you get my hair tie from?" I ask him and feel a sharp pull at my scalp. Fucking ass did that on purpose.

"Found it" he retorts and groans while another piece of my hair gets yanked.

"What the fuck is this shit?" He says exasperated and sighs, dropping my hair and stepping back. Studying my hair as if he's never seen it before.

"Just put it in a low pony tail"

"A what?"

"A low pony tail" I repeat

"Pony tail" he mutters under his breathe and gathers my hair again, I look over my shoulder and his face holds pure concentration, his brows are furrowed and he's trying to be as gentle as possible.

"Done" he says and smiles proudly, I turn around and pat his shoulder. I look in the mirror and try to put an encouraging face on but it looks like shit.

"It's definitely something" I tell him and walk out the room while he goes to get changed for Sophie's dance recital. I changed earlier into a slightly cropped top with skinny black jeans and high heel boots. There's a knock on the door so I head downstairs to answer it, redoing my hair into low messy bun on the way.

"I said no sweets Sophie so your not having any" I hear Amelia say as I walk up to the door. I stand and listen for a second because I don't want to open the door and have to deal with a sulking child.

"Why not"

"Because I'm your mum and I said no" Amelia replies.

"Don't you laugh Oakley Knightly" Am continues and knocks on the door again. No fucking way am I answering that until they give the little shit sweets so she doesn't have a fit when they leave.

"Daddy I want sweets" daddy? When did Sophie start calling Oakley daddy?

"Ok amore mio" (my love) Oakley says and I hear Amelia sigh as a something gets passed over to someone. I open the door and Sophie is stood next to Oakley with a lolly in her mouth. She smirks at her mum triumphantly and waves at me.

"Hey indi" she greets and walks through the door and towards the living room.

"Ok then" Amelia says and hugs me.

"When did she start calling you dad" I ask and tilt my head.

"Like 3 days ago, she walked up to me and asked if she could call me dad, I said yes so she does" Oakley explains briefly and leans down to kiss my cheek when he finishes his sentence.

"How've you been indi?" He asks and I shrug.

"Fine what have you guys been up to?" I question.

"I'm a high achiever indigo" I roll my eyes at oakley and motion for him to continue.

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