Chapter 63: Greyson

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I'm 19.

I'm stood in the middle of the garden where my 'party' that indigo insisted I have is going on. I'm talking to tanner about the mafia when indigo comes stumbling towards me...definitely drunk.

"Hey grey grey" she says and smiles at me lazily, I sigh and push her forehead away from me smiling when she grabs my hand and puts her drink in it for me to hold as she folds her arms and looks at tanner all judgmentall.

"Who ate you" she stops looking confused at herself and nods.

"I meant who eat that's not right either" she thinks for a second and I roll my eyes.

"Who are you?" I prompt and she gets all excited and fist bumps my hand, the one that's holding her drink and so it spills all over the floor and she sends me a glare.

"You spilt my drink" she says unimpressed and I put the glass on the side as one of the caterers clears up the mess.

"You're ruining my birthday" I say and she rolls her eyes at me and pinches my nose closed.

"What are you doing?" I ask her and she frowns.

"Trying to make you be quiet"

"Did you mean to close my mouth sweetheart?" She huffs and turns back to tanner who's chuckling at out exchange and watching as indigo stares him up and down unamused.

"I'm ta-" she cuts him off before he can tell her his name.

"I changed my mid, I don't care" she sasses and picks up her glass from the side.

"You're not having a drink?" tanner asks and I shake my head. I don't particularly enjoy birthdays. I'm neutral about them.

I lift my wrist and look at the chain she got me with a small gold plaque in the middle that has her name on it. Best gift of the fucking day and my parents got us a mansion.

For context, because indigo and I are getting married in a month our parents decided that we'd want our space and so they brought us a house. A 14 bedroom 12 bathroom mansion that's totally unnecessary but in indigos opinion makes us look cool.

She holds her glass up to me and winks.

"Hey pretty boy" what is she doing?

"My mum always said I was a 9 out of ten....I think you're the one I need" she smirks at me and I pick up on the fact she's trying to pick me up. I go along with it and smile at her.

"Hmm try harder" I say and she furrows her brows and thinks hard for a second before taking a sip of her drink and looking at me with concentration.

"Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven" she laughs at herself and I look at her, admiring her beauty and the way her freckles lightly cover her nose and her green eyes swirl with a small bit of brown and gold flecks.

"What?" She says and hiccups.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I say and she kisses me and I feel her smile.

"I love you grey"

"I love you too baby"


"What if you forget how to cook and you starve to death?"

"What if they take their phones in the shower and electrocute themselves?"

"What if-"my dad cuts of mine and indigos mums worrying with a hand over each of their mouths and shushing them while smiling.

"We'll be fine, however if you don't hear from me in a few days it's because greys killed me" indigo tells everyone and I glare at her. Our dog roger is already at the house as we e already moved out things in, along with Pepper indigos tiger who's living in a massive sanctuary about an hour away because indigo was worried she was getting lonely all by herself.

Ollie runs up to me and hugs me, he's really grown in a year and now he's probably 5ft 10, he's 13 and I'm stood here wondering where all the time has gone.

"Love you grey" he says and I pat his shoulder

"Love you too buddy" I say and he looks up at me and nods, his sandy blonde hair falling over his eyes. He flashes a mischievous smile at me and walks to indigo, hugging her as well and walking off to see Elliot who's glaring at everyone as per usual.

"Am i the only one happy that their finally fucking off?" Enzo says which earns him a smack around the head from my mum and a laugh from Matt who also gets a whack.

We say goodbye to everyone Ben though indigo is seeing them tomorrow for her dress fitting and get in the car to our house which is only 15 minutes away.

She flicks my hand and I look to her in annoyance as she hums a really annoying song and whistles as well.

"Why are you so annoying?" I say and she glares at me.

"Why are you so ugly"

"GET WRECKED!" we both jump out of our seats when we turn around and see Oakley in the back in pajamas with a laptop and a pair of sunglasses resting on his head.

"What the fuck Oakley!" Indigo exclaims as I drive and roll my eyes at oaks.

"I'm your house warming gift" he says and lays across the back seat.




"WHAT!" he smiles and moves his head up making his sunglasses fall down onto his nose.

"How much longer" he asks and I sigh.

"10 minutes" there's a silence as indigo is on her phone and oaks looks out the window.

"How much longer" i sigh and rub my temples.

"Still 10 minutes" I tell him and he nods and looks away. Indigo laughs at something and I rest my hand on her thigh.

"How much lo-"

"Oakley if you ask me that question one more fucking time I will throw you out the window" I say and he rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Jeez someone's in a mood" he mumbles and I focus back on the road.


"Oakley" indigo says calmly and he hums at her and waves at a kid in the car next to us at the traffic light.

"Shut the fuck up"

"And this is why you two are living together....oh yeah! I also got you guys a plant...." I press my foot on the gas and tune him out.


I know this was shit y'all but it was a bit of a filler, the weddings next!

Love y'all

Happy reading!

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