Chapter 13: indigo

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I'm bored, like so fucking bored I could die. I'm also hungry, but I'm always hungry so...

I'm sat on the couch downstairs on my phone and grey is once again in his office. I get up, go to the kitchen and look in the fridge. There's cold pizza so I get that out and return back to the couch.

What can I say, it's hard work being me.

I eat the pizza and wonder around the house a bit, Alessia and Charles are with Ollie in the Maldives for a week so I'm all alone. Apart from Greyson.

There's a cupboard in the corner of grey and i's room that I haven't looked in so I head over to it and open the door. Colored felt tip markers in a small box are hidden in the corner.


I grab the box and go down the stairs to greys office, obviously I walk straight in because I'm me so I can and he's talking to Lucas at his desk. They both turn to look at me and I wave at them.

"Good Evening" Lucas says and turns back around while looking at some kind of document.

"What's up Indi?" grey asks.

"Nothing much" I say while walking over to him and plopping myself on his lap. He looks surprised for a second but then leans back and smirks at me whilst moving to put his arms behind his head.

"Nope" I say and grab his right arm that has the most tattoos on it. He lets me rest his forearm in front of me on the desk and watches as I pull out the coloring pens from under my hoodie. He smiles at me and laughs slightly.

"What are you up too?" He questions

"I'm coloring your tattoos" I say while getting out the pink and starting to color in the snake.
I move so that my legs are one side of his and he spreads his legs a little so that I can fit comfortably in the middle of them. He rubs up and down my thigh as I color in the snake.

"What- what is happening" Lucas stutters and I look up too him. He's sat on the other side of the desk with his mouth open and his eyes wide.

"What do you mean, are you blind? I'm coloring in his ink bro" I say and pick out the blue to color in the feather.

"He doesn't let anyone touch him usually" Lucas explains

"Well lukie boy, Im not anyone Im his fiancée and I'll touch him where I like" I say and grey chokes on the water he was drinking.

Choke on my dick-

Grey and Lucas go back to there conversation and I continue to color in greys arm, I do it for about 45 minutes before I get tired. I shift around on him so that my legs are wrapped around his waste and I rest my head on his shoulder, he runs his hand up and down back and continues to discuss something with Lucas.

I hear lucas leave some time later and grey starts to type something on his computer. The doorbell goes and grey stands up with me still in his arms, I don't think I'm that heavy, im 6 stone, but still this guy doesn't skip the gym.

He walks halfway to the door and stops to lean against the wall to have a rest before continuing to the door and opening it.

"Hey sweetheart-" I hear my mothers voice begin but she stops.

"She's asleep" grey says

Im not, you're just a free taxi hun

My mum laughs before explaining that she's just come to check in and that she'll come back in a few days as well before she bids grey goodbye and heads back down the steps. Grey walks into the living room and sits on the sofa. I lift my head and he smiles softly at me and then brushes the hair out of my face.

His eyes are so grey, guess that's fitting because he's called Greyson and all. He's got small freckles that litter his nose, I have to look really close to see them and his hair is in its usual messy look.

He rests his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck.

"I wish we could be more indigo"

"Why can't we?" I reply

"You know why" he says and lifts his head from my shoulder

"No i don't, I really Fucking don't, I've spent years hating you all because of this stupid unspoken rule we have between one another, I want it to stop grey, I want you" I whisper the last part and a tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it off with his thumb and cups my face.

"I know baby, I want you too, but you know what happens in the mafia when people fall in love, it's a weakness, I can't have you hurt because people know that we're together" he sighs exasperated.

"I can stand up for myself grey,I'm an assassin, not a child"  I reply.

"Indigo it's not going to work so no" he continues with finality.

"We haven't even tried! How will we know if we don't fucking try!" I shout getting up from his lap, he's pissing me off with all the negativity, no one said we couldn't have each other, we are the only thing stopping this from going ahead and it's killing me.

"I don't want to try indigo just leave it alone! You can't get hurt because of me, you just can't, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did" he's jumping to conclusions and not even giving us a go.

"You can't want it that much if you're not even willing to try" I retort and go to walk away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back, we're inches apart, I can hear his heart beating from where I'm stood, he can probably hear mine too.

""Don't walk away from me indigo, don't you ever Fucking walk away" he says and I look him in the eyes.

"What are we doing Greyson?" I'm tired of this back and forth, why can't it be simple.

"I don't know" he mutters and let's go of my wrist. We stand there for a few seconds before I finally talk.

"Well figure it out Greyson because your hurting me and that's not Fucking fair" I whisper and turn around.

"Can I leave now, or are you going to make me wait for that too" I say icily.

"You can leave" he replies

So I do.


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