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We have been sitting in the car for almost an hour now which was torturing considering that the road itself to Cannon Beach is what should have been only an hour's drive.

There must have been an accident that usually happened once everyone has gotten away from school and jobs to go on their well-deserved holiday.

Seeley hasn't said a word. I couldn't stand his silence and the flatness on his face. I played a possible conversation in my head over and over but I decided it was best if I didn't bother him.

He really wasn't in the mood now.

My previous humor has disappeared and I wanted nothing more but to help him or listen to him. But he seemed like he never wanted to talk about his relationship with Clara.

My butt was sore from all the sitting and we had already eaten the chocolate. I couldn't decide where to lean or turn in my endless boredom.

After waiting for a few minutes, listening to all the horns, and seeing people stepping out of their cars, I looked at him again but he was staring out the windshield so intensely that he wasn't even blinking.

His anger and frustration haven't disappeared like I had hoped they would after an hour of silence. The waiting has probably been wearing his nerves off also.

When I didn't see anything change on his face, I inhaled and opened the car door.

I could feel his eyes burning my skin as I got out of the car.

"Where are you going?" he asked as I was about to close the door.

"Just here," I answered and walked to the hood of his car.

The line of cars was more visible now that I wasn't sitting inside and waiting for a miracle to happen.

Ironic thing was that there were only thirty maybe forty minutes left of the drive. Maybe walking would be the best option.

Who was I kidding, there was no way I'd walk in a hot forenoon.

I adjusted my already messy hair and sat on the hood of the car. The metal was hot but I didn't move an inch. I leaned back and enjoyed the warm wind that moved under my sweaty clothes.

After a few minutes, I heard the driver's door open and close. I hugged my knees and glued my gaze to the distance while Seeley stopped beside me.

"This is hopeless." he put his hand on the hood beside me.

"Maybe it will get better." I tried to cheer him up even though it was more than obvious that his frown was not his reaction to us getting late.

"Maybe," he said and hopped on the hood, sitting dangerously close to me.

I kept my stillness as his elbow was touching mine, trying my best to remain calm. In the last six months, this was the only time that there were only the two of us which was why my heart would not stop racing.

Oh, how things would have changed if I didn't mess with our friendship up half a year ago.

"You're okay?" I asked softly. I didn't expect anything because he'd end up surprising me as he did at the gas station an hour ago.

"What do you want me to say to that?" his eyes met mine. They were intense but also calm. A strange mixture of his anxiety and swallowed anger.

I turned away and bit into my lower lip. I didn't want to be like Clara to tell him what he should be feeling or telling others.

Only if I had known that we'd been walking on eggshells then I would have chosen my words carefully. I messed it up and the guilt just wouldn't let me breathe fully.

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