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I felt like a criminal who was wanted in at least seven countries by the way I tried to hurry back to my room, tiptoeing to the end of the hallway.

I heard someone moving around in the living room but I was too afraid to turn around. As soon as I reached the door to my room, I pushed it open and slid inside as fast as I could.

When I saw Leigh on her bed, I bit into my tongue but she already heard the door closing.

She exhaled and moved around while a frown took over her face. When she saw me, she blinked a few times while my heart almost ripped through my ribcage.

"What time is it?"

I wiped my hair out of my face.

"Around five."

"Why are you up then?" She groaned and hugged her pillow.

"I was sick." I improvised. "I had to go to the bathroom."

When Leigh examined my worn-out appearance, she hummed to herself while she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Well, you certainly don't look like who just came back from a beauty competition."

I gasped and walked over to my head. My head was still pounding and my lips were so dry that I almost believed that I'd been living in the desert lately.

"Thank you, seriously."

"You know me, Heddy." She said and turned around. "My honesty is my gift and also curse."

Before I could open my mouth to say something, she started to snore, pushing my words back into me.

"I know," I whispered while roaming around the wardrobe to find something to wear.

I grabbed my clothes when something jumped into my mind. It was already too early in the morning and there was no way that I'd go back to sleep.

That was one of my curses, if I woke, up no matter how tired I was, I just couldn't go back to sleep.

I decided to go for a swim to relax my body after the intense night I'd just had.

When I grabbed my phone, I noticed a missed call from my mother and a new text from her.

I assume you are too cool now to pick up for your mother, so happy birthday

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the bed and changed.

She was calling me while we were partying, so of course, I hadn't heard my phone ringing. Also, why did she feel the need to call me when she had texted me in the morning to wish me a happy birthday?

She was overreacting, not even a little. I felt it was the best option not to answer.

I already knew what she'd say.

She'd give me one of her famous speeches that my friends have had a bad influence on me and it's not as cool as we think to shit on our parents.

Then, she'd bring up Seeley of course, with his famous 'it doesn't matter what my father thinks' lines. And I could listen to her for hours while ranting about how it was a bad idea for me to come here and I was just wasting my money while she was at home all alone.

Even thinking of her made me angry. Now, that was the power that she held over me.

After getting ready, I walked out of the room with my towel over my shoulders.

Emilia was in the kitchen making herself breakfast. She turned to me when she heard my footsteps approaching her.

She looked so tired that it made me think if she was sleepwalking for a second.

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