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I could barely sleep that night. My heart almost ripped through my ribcage as I hid in my room. Leigh has been sleeping, so I tried my best not to wake her up.

I couldn't stop smiling and kept thinking back to what happened in the kitchen. And I wasn't talking about him saying that the cookies I'd made looked good.

I could only hope that he hasn't left any mark on me. I didn't feel the vibe to tell Leigh or Emilia about what just happened and the fact that Seeley has asked me to sleep with him in exchange for Clara doing the same without his full consent.

Even if they were my best friends, there were things I wanted to keep to myself. Some things that I could swoon over like a childish teenager would do.

I pressed my face into the pillow as I watched the shadows dance on the wall in front of me. The only sound that could be heard was Leigh's light snore while my heart has been still beating in my ears. I started to worry if I'd become deaf because of it.

I felt like a little girl again who has just gotten her first compliment from a boy. I was excited and couldn't even blink.

Needless to say, I felt like a zombie the next day. My eyes were burning and just when I was about to fall asleep, Leigh started to wake up.

"You look like shit," she commented after we both had made our bed. "Didn't sleep well?"

I groaned and grabbed my clothes.

"Something like that." I said and touched my neck. I could still feel Seeley's lips caressing my skin.

I hated to keep secrets from her but I felt a little buzz at the thrill of sneaking behind her back. If it wasn't for Seeley, I would have told her right away.

"I know what we should do today," she suddenly said and I groaned.

"I'm not in the mood for doing anything, to be honest." I rubbed my forehead.

"Figured." She smiled and gave a grip on my shoulders. "That's why I thought we could do something off-hand today."

"Off-hand like eating and watching movies?" I tried and she grunted.

"We can do whatever we want and this is your desire for the day?" She scolded and I nodded right away.

"Sounds about right."

Leigh walked over to the closet and opened it.

"That's why we are going to have a girl's day and have a beach picnic."

It didn't sound bad, ignoring the fact that I didn't feel like leaving our room right now. I was still in shock from what happened last night between Seeley and me.

I covered my slight disappointment and grabbed my clothes. I decided to wear my white short floral dress. I used to wear dark clothes but now it seemed as if my life had taken a turn, and so did my style.

A year ago I couldn't even imagine myself wearing a dress, let alone a colorful one. But I grew out of the cozy outfits.

Leigh made my hair into a braid as I put on my silver bracelet and rings. I liked to think that this new style looked great on me.

"I'll tell Emilia to make some sandwiches." Leigh said and opened the door.

"She doesn't like it when you order her around." I sent her a knowing look and Leigh turned back and put her hands on her skinny hips.

"I am Leigh Maxwell," she said, soft-eyed. "I can order her around as much I want."

And with that, she spun around and headed to the kitchen.

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