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The only time I met Seeley's father was after the graduation ceremony a month ago. He was fierce and didn't even smile. He hadn't hugged his son or patted him on the shoulder. All he did was give a stern nod to Seeley and walk away.

According to Seeley, it was a surprise that he was even there.

From what I've heard, he was always so busy that Seeley has barely met him. And when he was at home, he'd pick up a fight with Seeley.

That was why Seeley was happy whenever his dad wasn't around. It made him feel like he was living alone which was the best thing a teen could ever imagine while living their school years.

Who didn't like it when the parents weren't home and you had the house to all yourself?

The shock was an understatement for how I felt but it didn't even come close to what kind of feelings had been battling with each other inside me.

I blinked as if my eyes only lied and tricked me but Oswald Drewitt was still standing in front of me.

And what was even funnier was that I thought I saw a ring on his hand which he sunk into his pocket when he noticed me staring.

When we locked eyes, I saw him furrow his eyebrows then slowly the color started to drain from his face.

I felt anger creeping up on my spine, positioning my existence at that moment.

"Dad, this is... Heddy." Perkyn put his hand on the back of my waist, pulling me closer when he noticed me standing as still as a tree.

I saw Perkyn giving me an encouraging smile. He had to think that I blocked again because of being nervous as hell.

Only if he knew that my shock was built from knowing his 'father'.

The more I thought about it, the more disgusted and disappointed I became. Seeley never mentioned someone from his family as a brother.

And I was there when he first met Perkyn that night. It was clear that they never met before.

Did that mean that they were brothers?

Oswald Drewitt couldn't have lived a double life. It just didn't make any sense.

He was many things but he couldn't have done that. He couldn't have ababandonedis son to be a part of another family.

"Heddy, this is my father, Oswald." Perkyn said in a welcoming tone while I felt my heart jumping into my throat.

Oswald gave me a knowing look that also gave me the feeling of something cold and threatening.

Good thing I was so confused that I couldn't even find my voice.

"Perkyn has been speaking of you all the time." Oswald said in an unimpressed tone.

"Shall we go inside?" Perkyn asked, picking up on his father's mood.

Oswald arched an eyebrow before stepping to the side and letting us in.

He was watching me carefully as I walked into the house before Perkyn. I felt like a sharp one was glaring at me, waiting for the right time to attack.

What should I do or even say? I would have never thought something like this would happen. I'd even think of the possible worst scenarios that could go wrong while the first introduction but finding out that your friend's father was also the father of your co-worker's?

I felt like I was drowning with all the silent treatment that Oswald gave me while Perkyn walked me to the back and led me out of the house.

There were a few other guests gathered around the grill while talking with each other with glasses in their hands.

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