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The house was empty by the time we got home.

My head felt heavy and I didn't have any power to stay on my feet, so I instantly headed toward my room and fell into the bed.

Last night felt like a fever dream. And I didn't know if it was because it has been one of the worst nights of my life or because so much had happened.

Whenever I thought about Seeley, my chest tightened but when his words echoed through my head after admitting that he has been in love with me for years made me smile. Really smile.

I heard my phone buzzing so I groaned and turned to the bedside table while my body weighed tons.

When I saw Perkyn's name appearing on my phone's screen, my stomach turned.

I didn't want to answer it because I felt guilty for thinking that I might have played him too.

I shook my head, still staring at his name.

I liked him, I was aware of my feelings but something else pulled me toward Seeley. Was it love? Or was it the regret and the guilt that I have felt toward him?

I pressed the green button and tried to shake off my nerves.

"Hi, Perkyn," my voice was hoarse and quiet.

"Hi, I just wanted to check on you." His voice was kind and a little hesitant.

"We got home safe and sound," I said and sat up, massaging my ankles.

"I'm glad to hear that." He answered. "I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let you get into his car while Seeley was..."

He couldn't describe the hurricane and storm that Seeley had turned into last night and I couldn't blame him. Even I had to think carefully to choose my words around Seeley.

"He told me everything about his childhood and the things that Oswald has done, so I understand him for reacting that way," I said softly. I almost asked if his father was all right.

He sighed and I heard him moving around.

"It's still crazy to think that we are siblings." He let out a huge breath and I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.

"It was one hell of a night."

He hummed in response. It felt like I was talking with a whole new person knowing that he was also a Drewitt.

It was still unbelievable to think about it.

"Can I ask you something?" His voice was gentle and humble.

"Of course."

He waited for a few seconds to make sure I didn't change my mind before speaking up.

"Did you recognize my father and that's why you called Seeley?" He asked silently.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I stood up and walked over to the window, staring out at the empty garden. The lights were still there since Seeley had put them there to surprise me on my birthday.

"Or was it just an unfortunate coincidence?" He asked again.

I closed my eyes because I knew that I was the reason now his family was on the edge of falling apart.

But I had to do something. Oswald Drewitt couldn't get away with everything.

First, he had gotten Dakota, Seeley's mother killed, while still blaming her for an unfortunate accident.

Then I found out that he has had another family outside of Seeley and has been living his best life while not giving a damn about Seeley.

And I didn't even talk about him abusing Seeley ever since he was a child, forcing him to think that he deserved every punch and kick he had ever received from him.

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