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Leigh hasn't talked to me since. I tried to apologize to her but she wouldn't even look at me. And by the look on the other's faces, I was sure that she'd told them about my secret affair with Seeley.

And the ironic thing was that Austin had finished his painting about the three of us. And it looked beautiful but now everyone was walking on eggshells whenever I was around.

Mostly because Leigh would send murderous glares in my direction despite me minding my own business.

One day I dug up Austin's present bag for me and flipped through the cards he had written for me. I flipped through the cards and found the read this 'when you're sad ' brown envelope and I opened it without hesitation.

Try to remember that you've been the glue that held this group together and we'd not be here right now without you. You are amazing and never let anyone tell you otherwise because they are just wrong. You were never heartless you have always been the one who had the biggest heart among us. And I wish that one day my future daughter would be just as helpful, humble, and genuine as you've been with me.

And I'll never forget you for almost crashing my bike, that wasn't cool


I almost laughed at the irony that stared back at me from Austin's almost unreadable handwriting.

Little did all of us know that Clara and the others have been right. I was heartless and selfish even with my friends. I hated to admit but Clara did know something back then when she started verbally abusing me.

Lately, I mostly focused on work and spent my afternoons and evenings with either Perkyn or the girls from work.

Perkyn was just as much struggling on the inside as Seeley was. And now that I could see him from a whole new perspective, I did finally notice a few of the similarities that Perkyn and Seeley had shared without knowing for most of their lives that the other even existed.

I didn't tell Seeley that I'd been talking with his brother. It was still weird to call Perkyn his brother.

And the thing I despised Oswald Drewitt the most was taking away the chance from Perkyn to be a brother to not one but two younger siblings. I was sure that he'd be one hell of a brother if he had known that he was the oldest of the three siblings.

It was a real shame that Perkyn could never meet his little sister who had been taken away from us too soon.

No wonder his eyes looked cloudy most of the time and he couldn't focus for too long on work.

Just imagine finding out that you've had a little sister who had passed away while you knew nothing about her existence.

It was a messed-up situation and I couldn't blame either of the brothers for not being their old selves.

It would have been a miracle if they could get over this whole melodrama in a blink of an eye.

But that was the beauty of the Drewitt brothers. They were many things in their unique ways but neither of them wanted to deny or hide their vulnerable side.

And I liked how open Perkyn has become with me ever since his big reveal. He'd told me that even though Oswald was still living with them, he was rarely at home.

Neither Delilah nor Perkyn knew where he'd go off at night or after work but they didn't even care as long as he didn't bring any more trouble and secret on them.

"I don't know why I'm surprised but now that I barely see him once a week, my life is much calmer," Perkyn said as we walked down the busy street under the orange and almost pink lights of the sun.

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