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"Why don't we all tell Heddy what her first impression was like when she met us?" Leigh suggested.

We were sitting in the living room and just finished eating the caramel cake. I was sitting on the couch with Seeley and Leigh while the others found their comfortable seats wherever they could.

"No," I said without hesitation and everyone laughed.

"I think that's a good idea." Seeley teased me and I glared at him.

"I don't remember asking you."

"Good thing you don't need to ask me for anything." He winked at me and I had to turn away before the effect his words had on me would become visible.

"I second that idea," Casen spoke up. "I'd like to embarrass Heddy with a few things."

"And I'd like to strangle you while you're asleep." My eyes met his and a grin split his face.

"Kinky, I love it."

I shook my head while Leigh leaned forward and took a sip of champagne.

"I'll start then," Leigh said and cleared her throat. "On the first day of freshman year when we had to introduce ourselves and I was next, I started to feel dizzy. Back in those times, I wasn't a very good speaker in front of almost thirty people. I stood up but no voice came out of me. My legs started shaking and everything became blurry, so I ran out of the room to puke because I got nervous as hell. I heard the class laughing and making fun of me while I was running to the toilets. A few minutes later I heard someone coming in and I didn't even dare say a word until Heddy made sure that she was cool and wasn't there to make fun of me. She stayed with me until I felt great, helped me clean myself up, and walked me back to the room. I decided that day that I'd harass that kind and the helpful girl until the end of my life."

We laughed as I smiled at the memories flooding through my brain. Four years ago I wouldn't have thought that Leigh, who was terrified to talk in front of many people, would change in a way where she'd do theatric performances in school. It took her a while but she overcame her fear and bring out the best of herself.

"It's my turn." Austin put his hand up and crossed his legs. "It was maybe the October or November of freshman year. I was held back by one of the teachers because they wanted to talk with me about my grades dropping so fast out of the blue. I didn't know at first what happened. I walked out of school when almost everyone was gone to get my bike. Heddy was hanging out with one of the seniors and was probably learning how to drive."

"Oh, God." I buried my face into my hands because I remembered that day as it happened only a few hours ago.

"Oh, God, yes." Austin narrowed his eyes at me. "Anyway, just when I was a few feet away from my bike, suddenly a car slammed into it. It didn't damage it as much as I had expected it because I still could use it, but I remember being in shock at first that I was just standing there while Heddy climbed out of the car and started to apologize which angered me even more. I made a note to myself that one day I'd get back at her for that. You know, I just kept avoiding her and she'd tried her best to make it up for me. She made me cookies or bought me chocolate. Little did she know that I forgave her two days later, the only reason I kept acting like I didn't was so that she would make me more cookies."

I gasped in horror while the others burst out laughing. Up to this day I've been thinking that Austin was really mad that I almost broke his bike accidentally but now knowing his point of view on the situation, I felt betrayed.

"You, dog," I said, grabbing the pillow that was behind me and I threw it at him. "And you're only telling me this now?"

"We've all got secrets, Heddy." He laughed as he hugged the pillow. "Are you mad?"

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