▷47◁ Jiaozhu

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As the headmaster felt emotional, Immortal Guangling waved his hand with a flash of light, and lifted the huge ghost a little bit, lest the huge monster crush his entire mountain.

Although the mountain is vast, it can't put down a huge dragon.

This dark, terrifying Flood Dragon was held by the aura and there was no problem.

It cover the sky.

Occupy the entire dojo, even the top outside the dojo.

A huge shadow shrouded down.

Even the fox cub who was coquettishly coquettish with her second senior brother and discussing "one more mouthful of sweet honey" turned her head in surprise after feeling the terrifying pressure.

What She saw was the jet-black Flood Dragon that was inconceivably huge even though it was hovering.

The pressure was almost suffocating.

But the fox cub blinked, but she didn't feel anything, she didn't seem to be afraid, but leaned in a little bit, walked to this huge that was already been beheaded Jiaolong, and tried to raise her head.

She stood in front of the huge monster, like a small bean in front of the infinite mountain, which was more and more small in comparison.

The black dog shuddered with fright and couldn't help lying down, but for his little friend, the big black dog wooed twice. Although he was weak, he tried his best to crawl to his little friend's side. past.

Effortlessly in front of Zhizhi.

Lin Qingya glanced at the big black dog, helplessly raised his hand to protect it with a flash of light, and walked quickly to Zhizhi's side.

A flash of light flashed in front of Zhizhi, and Immortal Guangling's robes flew behind him, bending over to hold her in his arms.

The fox cub rubbed her daddy habitually, and then looked up at the devil.

It is very big, but although she can feel the pressure, it seems that the magic energy has dissipated, and it will not hurt the monk.

"This, this is the Heavenly Demon Flood Dragon!" 

The headmaster said in shock after feeling the surge of qi and blood brought about by the pressure.

He couldn't understand why the disciples of Immortal Monarch Guangling were so maverick. Others gave gifts, like flowers and plants to cultivate their sentiments. What does it mean to send a demon beast of celestial rank directly?

Demons cannot become immortals, and the so-called celestial demons are those who are on a par with the immortals among monks.

This monster is obviously a powerful monster in the rank of demons.

It is said that the defense of this type of demonic flood dragon is very powerful, and the flying swords of ordinary monks cannot cut its scales... Of course, this kind of demonic flood dragon must be very rare and precious, and it can be called a treasure all over the body. Be wooed by people.

For example, the scales of the Demon Flood Dragon can make a vestment to resist the attack of magic weapons. The scales of the Demon Rank can resist the attack of the Immortal Rank.

There is also the Jiaozhu of the Demon Flood Dragon, where its essence lies. It is said that wearing it can ward off evil spirits and exorcise the demons.

There are also the bones, claws, blood, tendons of the Demon Jiao... Master Teacher touched the corner of his mouth, lest the saliva would flow down.

With so many treasures, the well-informed master teacher couldn't help but coveted it in his heart.

Although the gift for the little junior sister is not very beautiful, Lei Fan is also very generous.

This monster is definitely his trophy, he should know the value.

But that's how it was given to Zhizhi.

However, what surprised the headmaster even more was that the Tianmo Jiao that Lei Fan gave to Zhizhi was not only precious, but also extremely tyrannical. What kind of strength is Lei Fan now?

The Heavenly Demon Rank corresponds to the Immortal Rank in the cultivation world.

Warcraft has always been known for its defensive tyranny.

Even though he had heard that Lei Fan had killed a lot of demons and demons in the Demon Realm, when he saw with his own eyes a trace of the sword intent on the forehead of the demon that went straight into the skull, the master teacher couldn't help but jump in the corners of his eyes.

The Mahayana Consummation of the cultivator and the Immortal Rank seem to be separated by a thin line, but in fact there is an endless gap.

After the immortal rank, even the weakest immortal rank expert can mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his own use.

Therefore, a cultivator of the immortal rank can completely crush a monk who is perfect in Mahayana.

But Lei Fan was clearly only a complete Mahayana, breaking through the barrier of the Immortal Rank without a shadow, but he killed the Demon Flood Dragon of the Heavenly Demon rank by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, it is still in the Demon Realm where the demonic energy is abundant, the home court of the demons.

He touched his goatee.

Since Lei Fan can kill the demons in the demon domain, can he also kill the immortal-level powerhouses in the cultivation world?

If this is really the case, then Lei Fan can also be called the immortal-level combat power of the Vientiane Sect in the future.

Just when he was worried about Lei Fan's cultivation of the killing way, the calamity would be terrifying in the future, but now Lei Fan obviously didn't intend to attack the immortal rank, and when the real head teacher was relieved, he saw this huge jiaolong.  

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