91❧ father and daughter.

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The corner of Immortal Guangling's mouth tickled coldly.

The Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect did not notice the murderous intent in his eyes and complained to him about the family affairs. Besides, he was more concerned about the strange bloodshot that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect suddenly made.

What he told Guangling Xianjun the most was this kind of bloodshot that would pollute the monks.

"One more thing is that the trial is the two demon cultivators who appeared." 

The demon cultivator seized the righteous monk from the small sect, and the Taiyi sect returned to the sect and started a thorough investigation, lest those two demons Xiu on the Wanli Boat also took action against his own disciples, or other monks from that small sect.

This is also to be understood for the sake of the orthodox sects.

Taiyizong attaches great importance to this matter and now there are some results, although there is no valuable thing to ask, but it is still confirmed that other monks have not been hurt by the magic cultivator and there is no more robbing.

The Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect frowned slightly and said, "But I think it's strange how the magic cultivator who seized the small sect cultivator concealed the spiritual knowledge of so many cultivators in the Taiyi sect. He didn't even see through the magic energy along the way. When they come out and dare to come all the way by Taiyizong's ten thousand-mile boat."

But since it was a house grab, the monks from the two small sects only stayed with the same sect on weekdays.

So after talking for a while, the Sect Master of Hehuan Sect just said to Immortal Monarch Guangling, "It's really not good, I'll send that stinky boy from my family down the mountain to practice. Killing a few more demon cultivators to make himself busy so he won't have time to grieve the spring and autumn." 

He is a monk of the Acacia sect, but there is no reason to be trapped by love every day.

He decided to let Tian Tian slump in front of him, and his son, who looked like he was hurt and unable to extricate himself, went to experience more and broaden his horizons.

After spitting out the bitter water in his heart, the Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect felt comfortable and closed the telescopic mirror.

Zhizhiwo is in the arms of Guangling Xianjun.

Her father was still smiling while holding the telescopic mirror, but that kind of smile...

"Dad, are you angry?" 

The Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect was at the other end of the telescopic mirror, so he was not able to detect the emotions of Immortal Guangling.

But in the arms of Immortal Emperor Guangling, the little guy keenly felt that the smile on her father's face, but the cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

That kind of killing intent was clearly revealed, but it did not frighten Zhizhi, because her father would not hurt her.

She vaguely felt that her father had murderous intentions towards someone.

But not uncle Huan.

don't know who it is, but to be remembered by Immortal Guangling. That must be a very bad person.

"It's not enough to be angry, I just want to slaughter someone. Forget it, I won't see a good show after slaughtering... I want to see if he dares to come to me." 

On the face of Xianjun Guangling With a smile, he restrained the killing intent on his body, hugged the little guy who said daddy was good, smiled and scratched her ears, and said gently, "If someone tells you something strange If so, don't take it to heart."

Strange words.

Zhizhi nodded her head ignorantly.

"Apart from daddy and senior brother, as well as the teacher in charge, I don't really listen to other people's words."

She said obediently to Xianjun Guangling with her tail in her arms, "If someone really says something strange, I will tell Daddy. Daddy, go and beat him."

Saying strange things to fox cubs must have bad intentions.

As a cub with only a father, of course, when encountering a bad person, you must tell your father, and ask your father to beat the bad person.

The fox cub's simple idea was affirmed by Immortal Guangling. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, 

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