8 || Opportunity For Misery

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It's been raining all day which is unfortunate because the fall festival is tomorrow yet the sky remains dark and damp without any end in sight. You've been looking forward to the celebrations, too. While the village has a lot of festivals each year, this one was going to be special because Link promised to go with you. You even made him swear it on Hylia which, as you made sure he understood despite his laughter, means he'll be cursed if he breaks the vow.

Since his agreement, you've made sure to pick out your best outfit for the occasion with full intentions of wearing it rain or shine (although you'd really prefer shine). Such a detail is critical to your plan that has gone through many edits in the two days that it's existed.

Originally only hoping for a simple date, you've decided the day can be so much more. With that said, it'll need to be perfect. The perfect outfit, perfect weather, and perfect confidence because you've made yourself a promise (just yesterday in fact) that tomorrow will be the day you look Link in the eyes and announce your love for him. No more waiting for him to make the first move. He kissed you first, now you'll be the one to make the relationship formal.

Link clearly loves you already, your father has shown approval, and honestly, what else matters? If all goes well, you'll no longer have to sneak around. You'll be able to tell everyone you met that Link is your boyfriend and all will be well.

Sitting cross-legged on your chair, you stare out the blurry window like the foolish romantic you are as you once again review your imagined scenario for the date. While you'd normally hide your giddy smile when Hiroto enters the room, you don't take the time to be embarrassed of it; your mood is too good.

"Will the rain clear by the festival?" You wonder aloud.

"'hard to say. 'looks like a storm will be rollin' in tonight," his voice is quiet as he walks to the fireplace with a bundle of wood in his arms. Tossing it inside, he then plucks the flint and fire striker off the mantle.

"Hopefully it passes. It would be a shame to have convinced Link to stay for the festival only for it to be delayed. Then again, I'm sure staying here is better than being out in all that on his own," you sit straight, noting the darker clouds on the far horizon before turning to watch Hiroto give a few strikes of the flint. Finally, a fire sparks in its new home and spreads across the dry wood fed to it.

He gives a nod, not saying anything else while standing and dusting off his hands. It's early in the year for a fire, the first one typically being made in early October, but from how everyone in the village has been talking, this winter is expected to be a furious one in general.

"...Have you talked to the boy at all recently?" Hiroto questions at last, clearing his throat against his fist before taking a seat in the chair across from you.

"Not since he visited the other day. He mentioned doing some work at Akio's farm for some extra rupees today; moving hay bales, I believe. He likes to keep busy," you explain, rubbing your hands together while playing with the idea of making some hot chocolate. Might as well officially get into the fall spirit if the season will be shorter this year.

Hiroto picks at the leather of his chair, his teeth clewing on the skin of his lip as his eyes remain on the floor. Despite the poor weather and chill in the air, you continue to beam with joy, excited for tomorrow and the days to follow. You're like your mother in that way. She, too, managed to always see the good in the roughest situations, speaking little of discomfort or bitter tastes towards what little had been placed before her. It's a good character trait which has always offered your father some peace, grateful to have your acceptance and understanding. Even so...

You practically leap from your chair when hearing a knock at the door, hastily rushing to greet your guest and only taking the time to flatten out your outfit before throwing open the door with your best smile," hello-"

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