20 || Hylia

555 44 9




You had been in the middle of presenting some of the knights with new swords when terrified shouting erupted outside. Understandably, the words 'under attack' make your heart rate double. While your immediate reaction is to freeze in fright, Link's is the opposite. In a snap, he's hurrying outside alongside the other knights, calling for you to stay inside where it's safe, however he should've known better than to believe you'd leave his side for even a second.

Yes, it's incredibly dangerous and reckless considering your very minimal knowledge in fighting, yet that doesn't stop you from taking one of the swords before following your husband's path just as quickly. Adrenaline is a funny thing like that. You've stayed behind countless times while Link goes on his adventures and patrols, but there's something about the fact that battle has come here to Skyview - to the frontlines of your home, that makes you instantly go into 'fight mode' yourself.

Fortunately, a battlefield isn't what greets any of you, at least not in the sense that you had imagined. Instead of finding masses of bokoblins or, in the worst case scenario, a few lynels prancing down the streets, you're welcomed by the sight of several knights firing arrows into the sky towards what appears to be a giant bird unlike any monster that's ever been described to you before. Judging on the confusion written over your husband's face, he has yet to see quite a beast himself.

While it's certainly strange to see a 'bird' being the threat rather than the usual enemies Hylians have encountered, that doesn't lessen the amount of chaos flaring throughout Skyview. Citizens run for cover and knights continue drawing back their bow strings, although any arrows they send fail to hit their target, either missing the creature entirely due to poor aim or appearing to break midair once getting anywhere remotely close as if an invisible shield surrounds it.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Link suddenly shouts to his men, "THERE'S SOMEONE ON IT!"

Indeed there is. It's difficult to see given the height in which the bird flies, however there's definitely someone on its back. Many races across Hylia's Land have come to aid her people in this war, although you've never heard of a race of giant birds before. Nevertheless, if Link's willing to halt any further attacks, you'll trust his decision while keeping a watchful eye on the creature and its rider as they land in the center of the now bare street.

Clearly some of the knights have more trouble trusting Link's order than you do. They don't attack per say, but they do keep their swords raised in front of themselves, surrounding the bird in anticipation for a possible fight. You can't honestly blame them. The looming threat of war has made everyone paranoid and to have such a strange pair arrive directly in the city without warning, so close to everyone's family and friends? It won't be good for a battle to break out here of all places...

Link pushes his way to the front of the circle formed by the knights. Only once does he look back, frowning to see you've followed them outside despite his wishes, however he's pleased to see you have enough sense to stay behind the safety of the army. If something does go south, his men will no doubt aid your escape (even if they have to drag you away if you prove too stubborn).

Turning forward again, Link gazes upon the majestic crimson bird in wonder, not being nearly as jumpy as the other men who flinch when a woman slides off the creature's back.

She's beautiful, you think, not that you can see her too well through all these tall shoulders. Her hair is long and bright like gold, her eyes the same shade as sapphires. There's this sort of important 'glow' to her person when she looks over the crowd around her. Even her voice carries authority when she says loud and clear for everyone to hear, "I am the Goddess Hylia and this creature you see here is a loftwing - a bird of the Gods!"

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