1 || Humble Beginning

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Hundreds of years ago, before the existence of law or life, all was created by the power of the three Goddesses: Din, Nayru, and Farore.

Once creating this blessed land, they ascended back to the Heavens while leaving behind a sacred magic in their wake; a magic protected by the beautiful Goddess Hylia.

While the Goddesses' land has become home to various life forms, the most successful of which have been Hylia's own people, the Hylians. Building a society from what they have been gifted, Hylians live in what they believe to be everlasting peace, protected by the grace of the Divine.

Unfortunately, as loyal and devoted as Hylia's people are, so many years without disturbance in such a calm existence has undoubtedly been taken advantage of, making them blind to the true danger blanketed by shadow; a danger that has set its selfish eyes on what is hidden beyond Hylia's protection within the sacred realm.

He is lurking nearby and will soon take Hylia's people by surprise if they are not well prepared.

...Be warned, young hero...

With every raise of the heavy hammer, a loud 'cling' soon follows as the hand wielding it swings downwards to hit against the blazing metal. This is the pattern that is followed by the town's smith day in and day out as he works to forage the most extraordinary tools and weapons anyone on this side of the mountain range has laid eyes upon.

Needless to say, he's built for the trade, standing at a height well over six feet with muscles that could put even a Goron to shame. He pours his heart and soul into each and every piece of work created by his hand, a care that has aided him into becoming both well known and respected among his fellow townsmen.

Of course, out of all the masterpieces created by the smith throughout the years of practicing his craft, there is one that stands high above the rest as his proudest work of art yet and that is you, his beloved daughter.

Appearance wise, you aren't much like your father. Instead, you can thank your mother for most of your physical features. Just as she was, it can't be denied by anyone that you're attractive and like any young beauty, your looks have practically promised you a husband and comfortable life within the higher ranks of society once you're of marrying age, however, let it be known that there is more to be considered about you beyond simple appearances for also like your mother, you're wise and have a mind of your own.

Your mother, against her own family's wishes, had married a poor blacksmith for she fell deeply in love with him, a choice you admire and vow to follow if given the chance. As far you're concerned, your love is to be earned, not bought over by heaps of rupees or a flashy high status.

Of course, you have little interest in love just yet. For now, you're perfectly content settling with the very life you have alongside your father in his blacksmith. Here, you're more than happy to learn the basics of his craft, something he's even happier to teach, in fact, he had even shed a tear when you completed your first blade, one that he's hung above the fireplace despite your many protests:

"Father, it's curvier than a snake and not smoothed properly! It's a terrible excuse for a sword!"

"It's perfect, m'dear. Why, I even plan on showin' it 'round at the next harvest gatherin'."

"Father, please!"

Since that first blade, you've gotten much better at foraging. While there's still room for improvement, you desire to one day match your father's skill level and possibly live up to his legacy as one of the greatest smith's in the land. Even now, you swing a much smaller hammer of your own, working hard on your latest project while your father works on his own across the shop.

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