18 || Crimson

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The village had clearly gone through some changes during the span of Link's imprisonment which is the first thing he noticed upon crossing over the hillside. Instead of seeing a line of simple homes, he saw a young wooden wall built high enough to block the sight of even the tallest of moblins. Katsurō happily explained its presence as a way to prevent attacks from all angles. A wise idea, Link agreed.

By the time you all reach the main gate, a crowd had already gathered despite the late hour. Some carry lanterns or candles to light their way and most are still dressed in their nightgowns, rubbing the sleep away from their eyes as they stare in awe. While everyone had known your intentions for going to Skyview, they had feared the likelihood of your success, after all, no one had heard a breath of Link's for nearly four years. For all anyone knew until this very point, he could've long perished, so needless to say, your neighbors are overjoyed to confirm that wasn't the case.

Link can barely keep track of all the voices trying to speak to him at once. The last few years have already taken enough of his strength from him, however the journey home still managed to find those few scraps leftover. With that said, he's ever so grateful for you as you immediately begin hushing your neighbors' many questions, assuring them them all that Link is fine yet very tired and in need of proper rest which is why he will be returning home, not staying to socialize tonight; there'll be plenty of time for that once he's fully recovered anyways.

It's amusing to watch you try ushering everyone away, although Link has no energy to tease you about it. Maybe later, but right now, he'll just settle for closing his eyes and leaning his head against your shoulder for support as he patiently waits until you've finished explaining everything to everyone. He only stirs again when feeling a gentle tug on his torn tunic.

Opening his eyes, Link raises an eyebrow at the elderly woman who has a head of gray hair and beaded eyes that crinkle due to her smile which appears almost permanent. He waits for her to say something, perhaps ask a question like the others, however she remains silent. It's then that Link notices she's holding something out to him: a red scarf, not knitted but rather cut and sewn from a soft, silky fabric. Judging on its bright coloring and perfect texture, it must be brand-new or at least not worn often.

"Oh!" You finally notice the woman yourself. Instead of being angry that she had managed to slip your awareness, you greet her happily while looking over her craftsmanship, "The scarf turned out wonderful!"

The woman's smile grows as she holds it further towards Link.

"...Is it mine?" Hesitating, he takes the item from her, confirming that it's indeed very soft and warm, matching its appearance.

"She was worried you'd be fighting during the colder months and would get yourself sick. I told her I wasn't sure if you had any nice scarves, so she insisted on making you one herself," You explain, a hand gently placed on your husband's shoulder as he looks over the material.

"Ah! Thank you, ma'am."

"It's the least I could do for Hylia's chosen hero," the woman says at last, bowing the best she can to him, "Please, young hero...Please guide us through these times of hardship..."

Link bashfully looks around, noticing that the crowd watches in silence. They all appear worn and tired, scared and defeated, yet hopeful nevertheless. They don't know how to fight. Even Katsurō and his friends, while skilled with weapons, have much to learn about battling the demons within this land. Everyone looks to Link, knowing he's the only one who can provide them even a chance of surviving Demise's war...He must do whatever he can to preserve the future of Hylia's people.

"My husband will do his best, but as I've said, he really needs rest, so please allow it to him," you tug on his arm, saving him from the crowd with the help of Katsurō and the others who direct the people back to their homes, after all it's late, monsters could be lurking in the shadows already.

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