15 || Where Another Is Gone

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"Welcome! How may I-...Dagianis? Why have you come here?"

You find some ease when stepping backwards directly into Link who places a firm hand upon your shoulder, keeping his eyes focused warily on your guest. Although they've never met before themselves, he had heard lots about Dagianis' family while growing up in Skyview and you've said enough about your own involvement with the man for Link to understand his character:

To put it simply, Dagianis is an inconsiderate, spoiled daddy's boy clearly so accustomed to hearing endless praises from those kissing his feet that he becomes completely dumbfounded if suffering a rejection, namely the countless rejections you had given him in response to his numerous marriage proposals.

Now, Link would be awkward facing any man who held affections towards his wife at some point, however what he currently feels is more irritation than anything else. Dagianis hadn't simply asked you for marriage, rather he shamelessly expected you to be swooning over him despite barely knowing each other. That isn't love, it's disrespect! You turned him down yet instead of respecting your answer, he continued pestering you, his advances only ceasing once you sent a sort of 'revenge letter' to your grandparents all too pleased to inform them of your marriage to Link. Dagianis had no doubt heard from the grape vine, forced to finally leave you be then...but that won't stop Link from being cautious nevertheless.

"Please excuse my sudden and unannounced visit. I would've sent a letter, but the business I've come to discuss is urgent," Dagianis smiles kindly. You recognize it as the same grin he'd give when trying to sweeten you up before following with something unpleasant. An insult to your home, a sly hit to your background, a proposal...What trouble has he come to cause now, you wonder?

"I'm certain you know this already, but our land is getting to be a bit...chaotic at the moment, what with all these talks of monster attacks against Hylians and all. The people are beginning to panic even within the walls of Skyview."

"Rightfully so, I'd say. While fear is a terrible thing, it might just keep everyone aware and safe, after all, monsters are getting bold - bold enough to attack Hylians inside their own villages."

"Yes, yes, that's what I've been told anyways..." he nods along to your words, although something inside tells you not to trust his 'interest'. Perhaps it's possible that he's just here to confirm Link's omen and maybe ask for advice, after all he is the leader of Skyview, however unless he's drastically changed his ways over the latest years, you don't believe a proud man like himself would ever turn to old bridges for passage.

Dagianis then looks to Link, both men holding each other's gazes without falter, only silent threat, "I've also been told that the two of you have been spreading a rather fascinating story as of lately. Travelers, merchants, guards...They've all come to Skyview repeating it: that a darkness approaches, apparently in competition to our Goddess Hylia's power, is that so? Strange indeed, for I was always taught that nothing compared to our Goddess-"

"- What are you insinuating?" Link speaks at last - a challenge, given by his sharp voice. It's unlike his normally soft spoken self, his stress exhibited through his tightened grip on your shoulder. It loosens once you reach up to comfort him, although only barely.

Dagianis holds his head high, "That you are spreading lies, Sir Link. You're stirring the peaceful waters of our land and people, causing them needless anxieties which in turn affects our entire way of life. People don't want to travel anymore - they fear even leaving their front doors. They tremble in the name of a 'demon' called Demise - nothing more than a shadow from your own delusions. What's worse is they're beginning to doubt Hylia because of you. They take your tales and believe she has abandoned us to be fed to this 'Demise' character."

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