Chapter 46

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Damien ignored the greetings of all his employees as he walked through the building and into his office.

He had been in a sour mood all night, up till this morning. Right from when he had woke up, to the shower and even when he had dressed up he had just been angry, and right now the last thing he needed was another reason for his fury to escalate.

Fuming, he dropped his briefcase carelessly on the desk as he got into his office, and then he plopped down on a chair.

He had a lot of work to do so he really needed to get on with it, but as he turned on the computer and began to tap away, he found out that he just couldn't concentrate.

His mind kept wandering, and he kept raking his hand in his hair.

Muttering a curse under his breath, Damien shut the computer and leaned back into the chair.

He could not bring himself to stop thinking about last night. The call with Madison, the way she had lashed out at him, and no matter how hard he tried to get himself to stop thinking, it wasn't working.

More so, the one image he was unable to take out of his head was the relaxed, carefree demeanor of Alvarez when he was on the phone with Madison.

It hurt him more than he expected it would, and yes he did convinced himself countless times that it didn't matter, but then why did it keep replaying it in his head. The more he thought about it, the angrier he was becoming.

Alvarez had looked free? Why had their conversation seemed so cozy? When he was on the phone with Madison she had not even given him one second to breathe out a single word, or make a statement as all she did was cut him off and shut him down every time he tried to speak but then all of a sudden... Alvarez had began talking to her, and they had chatted happily like everything was okay.

Damien felt a flash of anger run through him, as he began to think of the only logical reason to explain this find closeness.

Could it be possible that something was going on between them? Damien wondered. But that was a very foolish thought.

They were just friends, always had been strictly friends for years, and Alvarez was happily married to a beautiful woman he loved. Damien muttered under his breath, cursing himself inwardly. Why would he even consider something like that? What had come over him?

At intervals, Damien would hiss in disgust, and anytime he closed his eyes, he could still hear and feel the venom in Madison's voice when she asked him to leave her alone. The pure anger that filled her voice when she instructed him to give Alvarez the phone... Damien struck his fist on the desk, getting up from his chair and walking towards the cabinet.

What made her behave like that? How dare she treat him like that? Why would she talk to him like he was a child... cut him off at every word like he didn't know what to say? What the freaking hell did she even take him for?

Still fuming, he unlocked the inner drawer of the cabinet, and going through the files and papers scattered within he searched thoroughly until he found out what he was looking for.

He held it up and stared at it for a while – It was the one picture of Madison he had kept in his office, for so long, and looking at this picture used to break his heart and put him into a deep state of nostalgia, but surprisingly not this time.

Now all he could think of when he stared at her picture was anger at the way she had flared up at him, and his mouth curling bitterly Damien reached out into the lower drawer where he kept his cigarettes to take out a lighter.

He stared intently at the picture one last time and without a second thought, he lit up the litter and bringing the flame to the very edge of the picture, he then let it fall from his hand.

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