Chapter 105

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As the door of the room sprung open, and Katherine walked in, an instant smug smile graced her lips.

Her hands by the sides, she sauntered briskly to where Madison lay on the floor, bruised, battered and wet and the sight brought her so much excitement.

Coming to a stop in front of the bitch, Katherine lowered herself slowly until her knees was touching the cold floor, and her hands shooting out she grabbed a chunk of Madison's hair.

Instantly the bitch woke up, her lips dropping sideways and Katherine clacked her tongue in disgust.

Her sight wasn't a good one to behold, and moreso she was going to be brought to final doom today, so it wouldn't be much of a bother.

"Open your eyes you bitch!" Katherine ordered, her grip on the strawberry blonde locks tightening, and sharply Madison opened her eyes.

"Oh... she obeyed me..." Katherine mocked, a chuckle bubbling from underneath her throat as she shot a glance at her men and said again, "The defiant stubborn bitch obeyed me. I thought she would have put up a fight."

"I bet she has come to her senses." One of the men said and Katherine could only laugh wickedly.

She glanced back at Madison, who was also looking at her with weak piercing eyes, and Katherine spat on her face, before letting go of her hair.

Standing up and looking down at the helpless bitch, she dropped the bombshell, and rubbing her palms she said, "So after much deliberation, it's safe to say that today I would be putting an end to the existence of Madison Connor. Hahahaha..." She finished with a chilling giggle, and seeing Madison's eyes widen in fear, Katherine could only continue laughing.

That look of pure terror and fear on her enemy's face was golden, and it called out to her in ways that she just couldn't explain.

"Today is your doomsday." Katherine added again albeit smugly and just before Madison could utter a word, she continued, "Where is the blindfold?" She asked her men and they showed her the black cloth, as two men came forward.

"Good. Cover her eyes and tie her up, then when you are done you can begin to feed her the slimy food we brought. I guess she shouldn't die on an empty stomach, or what do you think?" Katherine asked, and her men only nodded in response.

As she stood watching her men tie Madison up and feed her stale food forcefully, Katherine then talked to the leader, as they ran over the plan of the day.

They were going to a nearby isolated beach, to carry out the mission.

Once she shot the bullet that would kill Madison, her men would then dispose the bitch's naked body into the ocean and after they burnt her clothes, they would all wash their hands and the weapons used with anti acid disinfectant, so as not to leave any trace.

As soon as that was done, Katherine would pay the men off, send a cryptic anonymous message to Damien or his team looking for Madison, and then she would board the next flight to New York, and continue living her normal life.

While Damien continued searching for Madison who he wouldn't even see, Katherine would make sure to have moved on well with her life.

Soon, Damien would come to realize that Madison was dead and would never be found and then he would come back to her.

They would reconcile, marry and have kids together.

"Yes!" Katherine exclaimed absentmindedly as she talked to her men, and even though they had no idea why she was saying that word, they only nodded.

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