Chapter 59

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"So... did you like it?" Gina asked, smiling widely at Madison as they both packed in freshly baked bread into open cartons and moved them to where it would be taken for further transportation.

This was the first time they had been placed to work in the same station, and Madison was a tad bit elated. The only time she got to see her friend was during lunch breaks, or after work when they would walk home together, but now it was so much nicer working with her.

At least she had someone to talk to while simultaneously doing her job, and as usual Gina was lively and fun to be with.

Madison laughed at her friend's expression, "Ah, don't get ahead of yourself now." She teased, "But I won't lie yes it was simply delicious. I have never had better potato porridge in my life!" She exclaimed, quickly placing a hand over her mouth when she realized her voice was quite loud, and someone could overhear them.

Gina knowingly smirked with satisfaction, "See? I told you you'd love it. You're welcome. But next time you'll have to pay before I give you any of my special recipes. I might start to make money off this, who knows?" She joked, making Madison burst into laughter, and quickly regaining her composure, she slapped Gina's arm lightly.

"Okay now I'm starting to think working with you is a bad idea. At this rate I'm going to get fired. I've barely done a thing." Madison pouted and in response, Gina chuckled.

"We'll go down together, then."

Madison rolled her eyes jokingly, shaking her head and looking down to continue her work. She had filled all the crates available and then checked the bottom drawer to get some more, but there were none available.

Telling Gina where she was going, she wiped her hands on her apron and headed to the entrance of the bakery. The storage room was right beside it, and she would get what she needed there.

Madison had managed to find more crates and was about to return to her spot, when one of her colleagues called out her name.

She turned around in surprise to see a young woman she recognized. She recognized her but couldn't remember her name, and as the woman walked towards her, Madison could see a pile of letters in her hand.

Sorting through them, she fished out one of the mail and handed it to Madison, a small smile on her face as they exchanged pleasantries and then she said, "This just came in for you, the postman just dropped it off."

Madison frowned, confused at who would send her a letter in her workplace, but saying nothing she shook her head and collected the letter, ", thank you."

The lady waved it off, "It's no problem at all. I'll see you later then." She smiled and walked into the bakery.

Madison stared down at the letter in her hand.

She put down the crates on the floor and tore the letter open, already feeling curious to know what was written in it.

She had a very strange feeling about this letter, and more so she wasn't expecting any mail or package at all. Also she reminded herself again that she had never received a mail at her work place, so what was this? She wondered.

A familiar shade of red at the back of the paper made Madison freeze in fear, and she recalled the last time a similar letter had come for her.

Swallowing, she willed herself to continue, discarding her initial fears and finally tearing the letter open, she stared down at it, as a chill ran down her spine.

She was shocked at the words therein and written in red ink scrawled on the paper was the statement


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