Chapter 51

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Madison exhaled slowly, raking her fingers through her hair in exhaustion.

She stifled a yawn that threatened to escape her lips by covering it with her fist, and then she sighed deeply. She wasn't sure why she had awakened all of a sudden, but it didn't put her at ease.

The last thing she wanted to do was think. She just wanted to have a long sleep... long enough to drown out all those thoughts, but now she couldn't go back to sleep.

No matter how hard she tried to, her mind kept going back to the call with Damien.

To say she was in shock would be an understatement. Madison wasn't even sure how she felt about all of it. The things he had said, the way he was acting... she didn't know what to make of it.

From his apology, the things he had said to her, and for  the first time since she had met him again, he had spoken to her without a trace of anger in his voice.

He even seemed genuine, and to Madison, that wasn't something she could believe all of a sudden. It was still quite strange for her and she needed some time to make sense of it.

Taking a deep breath, she shut her eyes and tried to concentrate on something else. The creaking sound of the ceiling fan caught her attention, and as Madison stared up at it, watching it rotate with a light creaking sound, her mind also began to rotate... wander, and that's how she realized something she still didn't know the answer to.

How had Damien even gotten her number?

The question had crossed her mind in the beginning when she had heard his voice, and if she remembered she might have even asked him but it had gone unanswered, and then she had become so wrapped up in the conversation that she had forgotten to ask again.

Madison sighed again. It was not like he would have told her anyway, so she knew she had to work out that piece of information herself.

She still hadn't gotten over the fact that he had called her, asking for forgiveness and baring his own shortcomings, but she decided she would deal with that later.

Back to how he had gotten her number, her first guess was Alvarez for obvious reasons.

They were friends, and they worked together too, so it would be logical and obvious that it was the easiest way to get her number.

It was also the most explainable, but Madison couldn't help but feel like Alvarez would have informed her regarding anything that had to do with Damien.

It was odd, and definitely not like him to give her number out to anyone, especially not Damien. He would have called to tell her that he'd given her number out, of course he would have.

Madison began to fidget, as her fingers dug into the sheets her mind wandering still.

What if Damien hadn't gotten her number from Alvarez? It was very possible, considering all that had been happening, and her heart skipped a beat as she wondered if it was possible that he might have stalked her private details for her contact info.

She knew that Alvarez had assured her that there was nothing to worry about, but with the recent history of being stalked, amongst other things she just couldn't rest.

Taking shaky breaths, Madison tried to think of what to do about this, but she already carried it at the back of her mind that she was helpless.

Trying to steady herself, she continued to think when suddenly her eyes flew to her phone which sat on a nearby table.

There was only one person she could actually talk to right now and that was Alvarez.

Yes, Alvarez would know something at least, Madison decided. He always knew something, having the idea of what to do, and what to say even.

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